Thu Oct 24 09:35:26 2013 Oct 1 2013 Carbon-HD/skin.xml 2013-10-01 tarball tarball-20131001-0-gc2bc732 4.0.0 dm800sev2 ubi.mtd=root root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw console=ttyS0,115200 debug bmem=192M@64M url= catalog= ]]> 0 : 36 release cached channel (timer timeout) [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x2abb800 [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] remove channel 0x2abb800 [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x2abb800 stop release channel timer (0) preClose [prepareClose] running mainloop [SEC] lock 0 [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01002(DiSEqC peripherial power off) [SEC] sleep 150ms [SEC] delayed close frontend close frontend 0 (0)setVoltage 0V [SEC] unlock action -> StandbyActions power leave standby cannot open /proc/stb/audio/j1_mute(No such file or directory) playing 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: [TeleText] service started not pauseable. RemovePopup, id = ZapError allocate channel.. 041d:0001:00c00000 opening frontend 0 [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x2abb800! (0)tune RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff prepare_sat System 1 Freq 10773250 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 2 tuning to 1023 mhz OURSTATE: tuning allocate Channel: res 0 [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: recheckPMTHAndlers() recheck 0x2ab967c 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: allocate demux [HbbTV].aitInvalidated setLCDBrightness 127 [Cec] power on [FanControl]: setting fan values: fanid = 0, voltage = 15, pwm = 0 cec event! send f -> 0 : 04 [SEC] lock 0 [SEC] set static current limiting [SEC] setVoltage 2 (0)setVoltage 18V [SEC] sleep 400ms cec event! send f -> f : 82 6e 73 [SEC] invalidate current switch params [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01003(DiSEqC peripherial power on) [SEC] sleep 150ms [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f2 [SEC] sleep 50ms [SEC] update current switch params [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000 [SEC] setFrontend 1 (0)setting frontend (0)fe event: status 0, freq 1023250, inversion off, m_tuning 1 F [SEC] unlock [SEC] sleep 500ms (0)fe event: status 1, freq 1023250, inversion off, m_tuning 1 N [ExtendedInfoBar] CAIDs: ['0000', '1830', '1843', '1860'] [ExtendedInfoBar] SID: 5273 (0)fe event: status 0, freq 1023250, inversion off, m_tuning 2 N (0)fe event: status 1f, freq 1022255, inversion off, m_tuning 3 N OURSTATE: ok [eDVBCAService] channel 0x2abb800 running [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] channel 0x2abb800 running no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [eEPGCache] channel 0x2abb800 running stop release channel timer no version filtering 0012: 4e 52 73 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [EPGC] next update in 58 min ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is ffffffff allocate demux disable teletext subtitles PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument decoder state: play, vpid=511, apid=515 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1ff) - pcr - ok DEMUX_START - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x203) - audio - ok DEMUX_START - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(0) - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux3 VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x1ff) - video - ok DEMUX_START - video - ok VIDEO_FREEZE - ok VIDEO_PLAY - ok VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok not pauseable. [TeleText] serviceInfoChanged [TeleText] TXT PID -1 DEMUX 3 + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 0061 for service_id 5273 no version filtering 0061: 02 52 73 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 29 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 [SEC] set dynamic current limiting +- 1/2 TID 4e + 1/1 TID 02 done! [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 3 to slot 0 service 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 3 mask 08 prevhash 00000000 [eDVBCAService] send 422 bytes 9f 80 32 82 01 a0 03 52 73 09 01 90 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 04 1d 00 01 82 02 08 03 84 02 00 61 09 6f 18 30 fc c0 8c 69 00 00 3d a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0f 9f 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 00 64 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 00 64 aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 30 00 00 0b ea 01 00 26 a3 0d 01 80 11 80 00 02 18 30 01 0d ab 20 ff aa 15 02 80 11 00 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 00 02 18 43 00 00 0b b8 09 7b 18 43 f9 c0 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 66 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 00 66 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 43 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 43 5d 00 0b b8 00 09 04 09 c4 fb c0 09 04 09 8c fa c0 09 04 06 48 ff c0 09 7b 18 60 fe c0 8c 75 00 00 43 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0f 9f 59 00 0f 9f aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 00 68 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 00 68 00 aa 15 03 80 11 00 00 0b ea 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b ea 00 01 00 2c 8c 13 00 80 11 08 02 18 60 20 0a 09 38 59 00 0d 7a 59 00 0d 7a aa 15 03 80 11 5d 00 0b b8 00 03 03 21 00 00 02 18 60 5d 00 0b b8 00 1b 01 ff 00 00 06 02 03 00 00 recheckPMTHAndlers() recheck 0x2ab967c 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 1 video stream(s) (01ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0203), and the pcr pid is 01ff, and the text pid is ffffffff PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument decoder state: play, vpid=511, apid=515 VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok [TeleText] serviceInfoChanged [TeleText] TXT PID -1 DEMUX 3 doing version filtering 0061: 02 52 73 09 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! doing version filtering 0012: 4e 52 73 0f 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Receiver time is 'Thu Oct 24 09:34:52 2013' [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Transponder time is 'Thu Oct 24 09:34:52 2013' [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] diff is 0 [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] not changed sdt update done! action -> InfobarShowHideActions toggleShow action -> InfobarChannelSelection switchChannelUp allocating new converter! [Picon Renderer] Exception caught here allocating new converter! reused converter! reused converter! valign must be either top, center or bottom! [Picon Renderer] not found: /piconlcdSE/WELT DER WUNDER.png [Picon Renderer] not found: /piconlcdSE/ANIXE HD.png [Picon Renderer] not found: /piconlcdSE/KABEL EINS CLASSICS.png action -> OkCancelActions ok playing 1:0:1:4462:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 3 for service 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:19:5273:41D:1:C00000:0:0:0: recheckPMTHAndlers() [TeleText] service stopped [TeleText] send array('B', [1, 0, 0, 0]) decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok DEMUX_STOP - video - ok VIDEO_STOP - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok start release channel timer [Picon Renderer] not found: /piconHD/KABEL EINS CLASSICS.png [Picon Renderer] not found: /piconlcdSE/KABEL EINS CLASSICS.png [TeleText] service started not pauseable. RemovePopup, id = ZapError [eDVBCAService] remove channel 0x2abb800 [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] remove channel 0x2abb800 [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x2abb800 (0) preClose allocate channel.. 0453:0001:00c00000 [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x2abb800! (0)tune RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff prepare_sat System 0 Freq 12544750 Pol 0 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 4 orbpos 192 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0 tuning to 1944 mhz OURSTATE: tuning allocate Channel: res 0 [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:1:4462:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: recheckPMTHAndlers() recheck 0x2ab967c 1:0:1:4462:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: allocate demux [HbbTV].aitInvalidated [SEC] lock 0 [SEC] set static current limiting [SEC] invalidate current switch params [SEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f3 [SEC] sleep 50ms [SEC] setTone 1 (0)setTone On [SEC] sleep 10ms [SEC] update current switch params [SEC] startTuneTimeout 5000 [SEC] setFrontend 1 (0)setting frontend (0)fe event: status 0, freq 1944750, inversion off, m_tuning 1 F [SEC] unlock [SEC] sleep 500ms (0)fe event: status 1, freq 1944750, inversion off, m_tuning 1 N (0)fe event: status 1f, freq 1943355, inversion off, m_tuning 2 N OURSTATE: ok [eDVBCAService] channel 0x2abb800 running [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] channel 0x2abb800 running no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [eEPGCache] channel 0x2abb800 running stop release channel timer [EPGC] next update in 2 sec no version filtering 0012: 4e 44 62 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 1 video stream(s) (06ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0700), and the pcr pid is 06ff, and the text pid is ffffffff allocate demux disable teletext subtitles PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument decoder state: play, vpid=1791, apid=1792 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x6ff) - pcr - ok DEMUX_START - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x700) - audio - ok DEMUX_START - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux3 VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0 - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x6ff) - video - ok DEMUX_START - video - ok VIDEO_FREEZE - ok VIDEO_PLAY - ok VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok not pauseable. [TeleText] serviceInfoChanged [TeleText] TXT PID -1 DEMUX 3 + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 0066 for service_id 4462 no version filtering 0066: 02 44 62 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 2f 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 02 done! [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:4462:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 3 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:4462:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 3 mask 08 prevhash 00000000 [eDVBCAService] send 95 bytes 9f 80 32 5b 03 44 62 05 00 4b 01 81 08 00 c0 00 00 04 53 00 01 82 02 08 03 84 02 00 66 09 06 17 02 f7 c6 00 c6 09 04 18 33 f8 c6 09 04 09 c4 fb c6 09 04 09 8c fa c6 09 04 0d 05 ff c6 09 04 0d 95 ff c7 09 04 06 48 ff c8 09 04 0d 98 ff c9 09 04 06 50 ff ca 02 06 ff 00 00 03 07 00 00 00 recheckPMTHAndlers() recheck 0x2ab967c 1:0:1:4462:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 1 video stream(s) (06ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0700), and the pcr pid is 06ff, and the text pid is ffffffff PES filter: DMX_SET_PES_FILTER - Invalid argument decoder state: play, vpid=1791, apid=1792 VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok [TeleText] serviceInfoChanged [TeleText] TXT PID -1 DEMUX 3 doing version filtering 0066: 02 44 62 05 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 sdt update done! [ExtendedInfoBar] CAIDs: ['0648', '0650', '098C', '09C4', '0D05', '0D95', '0D98', '1702', '1833'] [ExtendedInfoBar] SID: 4462 [SEC] set dynamic current limiting -+ 1/2 TID 4e ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! doing version filtering 0012: 4e 44 62 01 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Receiver time is 'Thu Oct 24 09:35:01 2013' [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Transponder time is 'Thu Oct 24 09:35:01 2013' [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] diff is 0 [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] not changed [EPGC] start caching events(1382600102) action -> InfobarMenuActions mainMenu loading mainmenu XML... TimerEdit TimerEditList PluginBrowser PluginBrowser reused converter! reused converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! [EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading [EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading allocating new converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! [EPGC] nownext finished(1382600109) allocating new converter! action -> OkCancelActions ok okbuttonClick ParentalControlSetup ParentalControlSetup reused converter! reused converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! action -> OkCancelActions ok okbuttonClick LanguageSelection LanguageSelection HarddiskSetup HarddiskDriveSelection NetworkSetup NetworkAdapterSelection InputDeviceSetup InputDeviceSelection RecordPaths RecordPathsSettings reused converter! reused converter! allocating new converter! allocating new converter! action -> OkCancelActions ok okbuttonClick reused converter! reused converter! allocating new converter! [ePopen] command: ethtool eth0 reused converter! reused converter! child has terminated pipes closed [ePopen] command: ping -c 1 [ePopen] command: ping -c 1 [ePopen] command: ping -c 1 poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 70(16) child has terminated pipes closed poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 70(16) child has terminated pipes closed poll: unhandled POLLERR/HUP/NVAL for fd 73(16) [EPGC] schedule finished(1382600119) [EPGC] stop caching events(1382600119) [EPGC] next update in 60 min action -> WizardActions back [iStatus] killing self.WlanConsole action -> OkCancelActions cancel action -> OkCancelActions cancel no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser action -> OkCancelActions cancel action -> InfobarShowHideActions hide action -> InfobarExtensions extensions [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/div-h.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Menu/icons/div-h_HD.png [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/info.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/systemInformation/info_HD.png [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/installer.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Installer/installer_HD.png [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/emu-rest.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/eCamdCtrl/emu-rest_HD.png [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/emu-edit.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Menu/icons/emu-edit_HD.png [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/osd-settings.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Menu/icons/osd-settings_HD.png [getPng] cache hit installer.png [getPng]/usr/share/enigma2/Carbon-HD/newnigma2/system-setting.png not found, using plugin integrated /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Menu/icons/system-setting_HD.png Looking for embedded skin allocating new converter! action -> SetupActions ok Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action res = self.actions[action]() File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/Menu/", line 102, in keyOK File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 47, in __call__ self.fnc(*self.args) File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/newnigma2/eCamdCtrl/", line 35, in emurestart + _(" (C) 2012 by betonme @ IHAD \n\n") \ IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call (PyObject_CallObject(>,('SetupActions', 'ok')) failed) ]]>