
Suchergebnisse 1-6 von insgesamt 6.

  • DM920 CyberGhost vpn

    Jack3000 - - DM920UHD


    Gibt es nicht jemanden, der mir helfen kann? Vielen Dank

  • DM920 CyberGhost vpn

    Jack3000 - - DM920UHD


    Good morning, is possible install on the DM920 (newnigma2-deb-weekly-OE2.5-dm920-16_05_2021.tar.xz) a different version than "openvpn 2.5.0-R1.0"? thank you

  • DM920 CyberGhost vpn

    Jack3000 - - DM920UHD


    Today I have checked all the steps again; now I am at the point where I telnet the command: /etc/init.d/openvpn start I receive as an answer: -bash: /etc/init.d/openvpn: No such file or directory I also noticed that the openvpn.bin file is missing from \ etc \ init.d What can I do?

  • DM920 CyberGhost vpn

    Jack3000 - - DM920UHD


    I have verified the exit ip address on the internet with this command: wget -q -O -|sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//' it doesn't change after starting the vpn, so the vpn doesn't work. I ask how I can set or read the vpn log file. thank you

  • DM920 CyberGhost vpn

    Jack3000 - - DM920UHD


    Zitat von steve.63: „Se viene visualizzato questo messaggio, allora funziona “ Leider funktioniert es nicht, da es die ausgehende Adresse im Internet nicht ändert

  • DM920 CyberGhost vpn

    Jack3000 - - DM920UHD


    Hallo, Ich habe ein Dreambox DM920, - image "newnigma2-deb-weekly-OE2.5-dm920-02_05_2021.tar.xz" - openvpn 2.5.0-r1.0 - enigma2-plugin-newnigma2-vpn - referenzen vpn CyberGhost (ca.crt, client.crt, client.key, openvpn.ovpn) Ich habe umbenannt openvpn.ovpn im CyberGhost.conf Ich habe das erstellt file "pas.key": userid password Ich habe das bearbeitet file CyberGhost.conf: [...] auth-user-pass [...] im: [...] auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/pas.key [...] Ich lege die Dateien in den Ordner: /etc/openv…