
Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 21.

  • remove entry in panel (blue button)

    DRK - - DM800


    How can I manually remove a roque entry in the panel under the blue button when normal ipk deinstallation did not make it disappear? thanks

  • xx sender unsichtbar machen enigma 2

    DRK - - Plugins


    You need to edit the respective channel information in the lamedb file and add flag f:2 (hidden) Removing them will not help as they will be re-added automatically, I have attached a porn free 19.2E / 23.5E lamedb to this message. Quellcode (3 Zeilen)

  • inadyn error

    DRK - - DM800


    just moved to dyndns but seems no-ip might have been a better option, see below for (temporary) fix:

  • inadyn error

    DRK - - DM800


    just add below line to inadyn.conf (forces usage of a dyndns server which is known not to have any issues) --ip_server_name

  • RE: HDD temp

    DRK - - DM800


    Zitat: „Originally posted by fsc Box turn off, disconnect power, wait 2 minutes, boot up, ...“ Already tried to do this but with no luck, 5 min or so .. will try again for a bit longer after watching F1 .. thanks

  • HDD temp

    DRK - - DM800


    HDD temp does not work anymore when looking at the HDD info. Previously always worked, unsure if it has to do with the update from v3.0 to v3.0.1. Is there a package which I can reinstall to see if it will fix the problem, if yes which one? (newnigma base?) Regards, DRK

  • dm800hd Stand 13.04.2010 bug: srt subtitles funtzt mit MKV nicht. Subtitle track in MKV alles ok

  • dm800hd image from 31.03.2010 bug found: external subtitles (.srt) do not work with MKV. Subtitle track in MKV works ok thanks

  • MKV and external subtitles

    DRK - - Allgemeine Fragen


    edit: please close, wrong location

  • cccam check via dreambox display

    DRK - - Vorschläge/Wünsche


    It would be nice to see the status of cccam on the (standby) display of your dreambox so you can see everything is ok without even turning on your tv / pc. Obviously due to limited space it should be limited toa couple of chars I gues: OK = both client connections / server connections ok SRV = one or more server connection(s) down CLT = one or more client connection(s) down NOK = one or more client plus server connection(s) down Feasible?

  • disable back ground scanning

    DRK - - DM800


    Any change this is going to be implemented like Pli has because this is really the last thing which I am missing in this great image?

  • ipv6 support

    DRK - - DM800


    Zitat: „Originally posted by ds187 Could you please post your whole /etc/network/interfaces, with everything, especially TABstops and spaces. Then I'll test it here. ipv6 is working here, but i don't have a tunnel configured on my box, but have an ipv6-subnet with a radvd and it works fine without problem. So i think the problem is not the ipv6 itself but perhaps some busybox-issue when trying to invoke the newly created interface.“ Apologies for the late response but was on vacation ... thanks …

  • ipv6 support

    DRK - - DM800


    Zitat: „Originally posted by nixkoenner Zitat: „Original von DRK thanks, will try this!“ is running ?“ I am not able to get the IPv6-tunnelbroker provided directly by my ISP working by doing the same as I did in Ubuntu. If I add the info: auto xs6all iface xs6all inet6 v4tunnel endpoint up ip route add default via 2001:888:xx:xxx::1 address 2001:888:xx:xx::2 netmask 64 ttl 64 to my "/etc/network/interfaces" and bring it up using "ifup xs6all" it states: ip: an inet address is expec…

  • ipv6 support

    DRK - - DM800


    thanks, will try this!

  • RE: ipv6 support

    DRK - - DM800


    so it is not available for 2.6 or what do you mean exactly? Is there temporary fix for this until included in the next release? thanks

  • ipv6 support

    DRK - - DM800


    How can I activate ipv6 in the latest 2.6 image or is it already included? Saw 2 other topics about it including compiled ipk but was wondering if this can be done via the normal feed if not installed already. As always thanks for the answer(s)! regards

  • nzbget

    DRK - - DM800


    Zitat: „Originally posted by LoUiS It seems the plugin is not located on the feed at all. So you have to download the ipk somwhere else and install it offline. I'm not sure where to grab it, we'll have a look. We'll add it to the feed as soon as we'll get our hands on it. :)“ TESTED AND WORKS VERY GOOD!

  • nzbget

    DRK - - DM800


    Is that the question that stupid?

  • nzbget

    DRK - - DM800


    How do i install it? sorry for asking but below does not work: ipkg update ipkg install nzbget (could not find the feed either to see what the exact package name is)

  • RE: disable back ground scanning

    DRK - - DM800


    Zitat: „Originally posted by nightmann For that you can create personal bouquets. The background scan is a feature that i would really miss if its disabled.“ same over here but ... if you have little children or a girlfriend who doesn't appreciate all those erotic/advertising/useless stuff re-appearing it would be nice to be able to switch it on or off (this feature was introduced at the latest Pli image so it is possible I guess)