
Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.

  • m2ks Streamer v0.3 *OE 2.0 only*

    knutvi - - Plugins


    Tanks dirtylion, that did the trick. Knut-Helge

  • m2ks Streamer v0.3 *OE 2.0 only*

    knutvi - - Plugins


    Hi, This is a great plug-in. I have one issue that i hope you can help me with. The download (blue button) option do not work on my installation. There are no label on the blue button and nothing happens when i select it. I'm using version 0.3 on dm7020HD. Are there something I'm missing or is this a bug in this version? When i press the yellow button (with the "jobs" label) the same, nothing happens. If i press "enter" the movie start to play, but sometime the server is to slow, then download i…

  • new.infinitymod-hd - paar kleine Mods....

    knutvi - - Skins


    Yes, setting witch element should be on top of the other true the zPosition value did solve my problem in both skins. Knutvi

  • RE: subtitle

    knutvi - - Skins


    I did find a solution to the problem. I hope i did not brake any ting in the process. In the skin.xml for: # infinity.mod.newnigma2-HD/skin.xml # 965 <screen name="MoviePlayer" position="0,4" size="1280,720" title="InfoBar" backgroundColor="transparent" flags="wfNoBorder" zPosition="-2"> Change to: <screen name="MoviePlayer" position="0,4" size="1280,720" title="InfoBar" backgroundColor="transparent" flags="wfNoBorder" zPosition="-1"> And in the skin.xml file for: # new.infinitymod-hd/skin.xml #…

  • subtitle

    knutvi - - Skins


    Hi, I like the new.infinitymod-hd skin but I'm not able to get the subtitle to work. There are no subtitle in the SD or HD channels or when i playback a recording. The subtitle work on other skin. I have a 800HD and I'm running newnigma2 v3.1.4 Any suggestion to what i can do to make the subtitles work? One of the reason i try this skin was that i have an other problem with subtitle in infinity.mod.newnigma2-HD (this is the skin I'm running now). The problem in infinity.mod.newnigma2-HD are when…