
Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.

  • flash expand

    gentile - - General Talk


    Zitat von Joey: „If you dont want to use the browser, you could have flashed the lean version of the image.“ yes, you're right. anyway, everything is ok now.

  • flash expand

    gentile - - General Talk


    uninstall f****n' (sorry) browser->install flashexpander->install anything I want->end

  • flash expand

    gentile - - General Talk


    thanks again, but, the new newnigma 4010 leaves only 2mb free memory in my dreambox. at the same time, requires 3mb free for installing new s/w (plugins, skins, etc.) -lol- that's why I'm asking for help.

  • flash expand

    gentile - - General Talk


    thanks, but how to install something when there is no space. there is a min. flash memory of 3mb for install, while the newnigma4.0.10 leave only 2mb free. what is the solution?

  • flash expand

    gentile - - General Talk


    hi there, I' ve just installed 4.0.10 in my 800se® and there is no space for install other plugins - 57 out of 59mb (and min. free space for installation 3mb). also, there is no way to delete some of the existing plugins due to some error. please, someone knows how to expand flash memory in this case, using usb and flashexpander or any other way? thanks for your time