
Suchergebnisse 1-15 von insgesamt 15.

  • streamriper?

    besciak - - Plugins


    Hi, Is the newnigma streamriper plugin is available? REG.

  • Radio NET in Webinterface

    besciak - - Weekly


    Hi, my question is, how do you get access to offer Internet Radio (shoutcast), from the WebControl? ... with the possibility of recording stream on your tuner. NN - unstable - 2.0 REG.

  • I have now installed NewNigme 4.0 at time of TimeShift (buffer 2 min) on HD channels (tvnhd, bbchd), every 15 sec. I stopped painting. restarts tuner, but it did not work. I've never had a problem (before the update drivers). The path to the flash drive - 30 mb - read / write. Request info if it is in you w / the problem, or how to solve it?

  • where you can download a beta version of 4.0? for 7020hd ?

  • CrossEPG [OE2.0]

    besciak - - Plugins


    ...pity that there is no charge for "real-time" with flash epg or with the stick instead of RAM.

  • Subtitle Dowanloader

    besciak - - Plugins


    HI, I have a problem with downloading subtitles with SubsDownloader2 plugin, namely: libmediainfo added after installation - reboot the tuner - it appears to me that the addition of information has been installed: 1.jpg However, selecting words to download information appears that the addition is not installed: 2.jpg After changing the server with subtitles, but I get: 3.jpg Of course, an internet connection is 100%. Please help, how to start?

  • Vali's EPG

    besciak - - Plugins


    I installed this plugin (page version newnigmy (newnigma2-unstable-dm7020hd-alpha-29_08_2012), but I do not see it in the system. What could be the reason?

  • Vali's EPG

    besciak - - Plugins


    HI, is it possible to install this plugin on oe2.0? How do you replace a "system" of VALI epg?

  • DM7020HD problem low quality channels

    besciak - - General Talk


    so the alpha version .... common sense tells me that it is nonsense, but I got that impression. My friend also confirmed it. That's why I wanted to ask if "drivers from the image" is modified by you?

  • DM7020HD problem low quality channels

    besciak - - General Talk


    HI, interesting .... I installed the original soft, I watched a TV program, then installed based newnigma oe2.0 and I have the impression that the newnigma picture is worse than the original software oe2.0. I asked a friend who also has a 7020HD, and said the same thing. Have any of you noticed it too?

  • Subtitle player or 2.0 ?

    besciak - - General Talk


    Hi, if there is any type of Subtitle player plugin for newnigma2-unstable-dm7020hd-alpha? REG.

  • Kaufberatung: 7020 HD ja oder nein?

    besciak - - Allgemeines


    Gibt es irgendwelche Gerüchte über neue Modelle in diesem Jahr?

  • Dreambox - what next?

    besciak - - General Talk


    I'm at the stage of buying a new tuner, and considering buying a dreambox 7020hd. Looking, however, the "software development" is my impression that not much is happening, especially comparing it to other "competitive receiver." On top of this there are rumors on the forums that the technology and software (often updated software) "v.ultimo" is better. Was the "golden" times, dreambox already had?

  • czesc

    besciak - - Vorstellung


    ok, sory.

  • czesc

    besciak - - Vorstellung


    Witam wszystkich, ciekawe czy sa tu ludki mowiace po polsku ??