
Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 68.

  • flash again, but how ???

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    I never mean that you are my personnal support, I 'm calling you because many people belive on your experiency , just all I just hope you tell me what to do, my problem is after crash dm900 I lost dhcp and ip lcd blocked on point d'exclamation and need help to have back my dhcp and ip so I can flash again the box thank you for your nice answer I dont have access to the box with dcc, so how can I produc a bootlog ??? so of cours I need some help

  • flash again but how 2

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    I think no body understand what I've written , the problem is that nothing happens when I power on, even if I wait for 15 mn, that's why, I need the experienc of friends Gutermine, or deepblue2000 for help

  • flash again, but how ???

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    hi, I hop friends, Deepblue2000, or Gutermine, read my need and tell me how to do it , to keep "dhcp" and "ip" back and perhaps flash again the box dm900

  • no dhcp, no ip

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    I know the ip, because the box was "ok" before crash, and my routeur is configured as dhcp server, but nothing hapend after I power on, even after 15 minuts

  • no dhcp, no ip

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    hi, my box are connected to a router "netgear" after I power on I have just this picture nothing hapend anymore, I do not have dhcp and no ip I dont know what to do I realy need help, thank's

  • crash dm900 bis

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    witch setting the box dont boot, and no communication with dcc, I have just exclamation point in lcd nothing more I ' m waiting for help friend deepblue2000, maybe he can tell me what to do Friends get rar, nowadays or disappeared

  • crash dm900 bis

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    hi, all after one crash av the box now I do not have dhcp and ip, can not connected with dcc, but I know the box ip, any recommendation to have dhcp again and flash the box please

  • crash dm900

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    excuse me do you min I download latest stable image oe 2.5 from and flashing again sorry I 'm new with this box I had before crash image openpli 4.0 will please tell me how I will use flash-rescue, I upload the file (10.8 Mb) but I dont know how to uset in telnet I try with webinterface the answer is invalid file 1 : I do not have access to ftp to put rescue -loader in tmp 2 : after that I dont have dhcp now please tell me what to do

  • crash dm900

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    Zitat von gutemine: „when you have problems flashing this will not help. Update rescue loader and try again.... “ Thank you for answer me, will you please tell me how to do it ?

  • crash dm900

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    hi, I need your help please after one crash of the box, I try to recovery but not succesfull, thats the answer and I kan not flashing again Console log: [*] Creating directory '/data' [*] Mounting '/dev/mmcblk0p3' to '/data' [*] Downloading '' [*] Copying 'recovery' from local storage [*] Verifying signature of 'recovery' gpgv: Signature made Wed Dec 21 02:02:08 2016 UTC using RSA key ID 7DA27561 gpgv: Good signature from "Dre…

  • hi all

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    I have tthe box key, deskey, ans aes keys the box dont reconize my tnt carte my sd card kan you tell me where should I put this key, please thk for help

  • hi all

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    but my dm900 do not reconize my french tnt card v.5 a tnt card should work without any emu ??? or

  • hi all

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    I have french tnt card, but can't se nothing in my new dm900 any help

  • hi all

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    thank for your answer but will you please tell me wath was the solution

  • hi all

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    well after mount -i I have this /dev/mmcblkop2 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=503604k,nr_inodes=55196,mode=5) but is still the same probleme ?????????

  • hi all

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    hi, I receive my dm 900 and I flash to daily image but no boot at all I have just NN2 logo, and the red light blinked no stop I was waiting for the boot over 20 mn so even if I flash again is the same I have meaked the recovery on line and doawload dreambox-image-dm900.tar and the same problem ??? need your help please

  • bonsoir tous le monde

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    hi, I want to know the number of the second stage loader of DM 900 UHD, if there is one.

  • bonsoir tous le monde

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    quel est le boot loader ou le SSL du dm900 hd ? merci

  • dm 900

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    bonjour et merçi d'avoir repondu avec inteligence

  • dm 900

    blefarine - - DM900UHD


    bonsoir à tous future aquereur de la box dm900 uhk, juste une question puisqu'elle doté un system propre a DMM, peut on utilisé un Cccam ou un Oscam pour le sharing merci pour une reponse