
Suchergebnisse 1-4 von insgesamt 4.

  • iptv with newnigma2

    obakloba - - General Talk


    Hi, How did it go for you? Same problem here with an 7020HDv1, installed iptvlistupdater rebooted and nothing. Tried to insert my own lines for red bull tv, but it didn't work. Works with other images with the same stream, so my links are good. Which dependencies does the streaming from bouquets need, that are not installed with iptvlistupdater?

  • 2 Small problems with my 500HD

    obakloba - - General Talk


    Zitat: „Originally posted by sedde You need to install 3dsettings and activate side by side menu to make it work coreectly mate.“ Exactly what I've done. The movie I'm having problems with is Kung Fu Panda 2, recorded from C more first last sunday and the subs are not burned in. Using dm 7020HD and newnigma 3.3.2, 3dsettings up to date according to plugin menu symbol.. If I watch the movie in 2d mode(double sbs images) on my projector, I got two pair of subs (like i should get ?). If enabling th…

  • 2 Small problems with my 500HD

    obakloba - - General Talk


    Hi, did you manage to solve the problems with the subs? I recently bought a 3d projector as well and experiencing the same issue.. If I don't activate the 3d settings the subs are ok if i look with one eye (still looks strange and unreadable with both eyes), but if I activate the 3d setting to side by side the subs doubles to display at 'both' original images.. --Oba--

  • Crossepg for OE 2.0?

    obakloba - - General Talk


    Hi, I'm also having trouble installing this plugin, I always get this msg: root@dm7020hd:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgupdate_0.4.2_all.ipk Multiple packages (enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgupdate and enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgupdate) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest. Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgupdate (0.4.2) to flash... Collected errors: * Package enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgupdate wants to install file /usr/bin/ B…