
Suchergebnisse 1-15 von insgesamt 15.

  • When I connect via web browser from my PC to dm920 Mediaserver I can see a fully valid list of recordings. When I connect via an ipad app (e.g. GoodPlayer and other players) to my dm920 Mediaserver I can see on the list lots of not existing files, titiles from the past I already physically deleted - do you have any idea why? I checked the 'movies' folder using FTP and Putty and there are no hidden files inside

  • Yes, now I know. My Logitech remote was badly programmed and I thought my isue was caused by the skin and not someting else, apologize for spamming the thread.

  • @gutemine, it worked, thank you! I missed them because I was using not the original remote but Harmony 650 and buttons mapping wasn't properly configured. With the original remote the navigation between channels from the active bouquet using selected remote butons works.

  • OK, I found all the mentioned options but they look like functionally overlapping with another plugin I'm using, the enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport_1.0-r36.6-all.deb with rytec.sources.xml. My inital question was not about general EPG functionality but MetrixStyleHD behaviour in the screen shown in my post as metrix-epg view.png --> it would be nice to have a possibility to have this screen "on" and still be able to navigate between channels from the active bouquet using selected remote but…

  • I'm not sure I got the advise - what option are you referring to?

  • Beautiful skin, works perfectly on DM920. I wish it was built-in Newenigma2 as one of available skins. Btw, would it be technically possible to add an option to navigate between channels from the current bucket while staying in the EPG view of the selected channel? (I had something similar in my old receiver running on Egami+odreamy FHD). Like in the attached example, to be able to display EPG for the previous (e.g. TF1) or the following channel, without exiting the current screen with Exit and …

  • Any idea why with MetrixHD DVB subtitles are displayed partially cut on my TV? I checked other skins, e.g. in Default-hd everything is fine

  • Oops, I missed this in the settings, thanks!

  • Hi, apologize writing in English but I don't want to make funny mistakes using google translator. I tested the skin in my DM920 and it worked really great - this was the first skin ever where I didn't have to tweak font sizes because the default ones were simply optimal even for my relatively small 42" plasma TV watched at long distance (>2.5 meters) I only miss one view in EPG I had in my old receiver, a mix of multi epg displayed as a list from the current bouquet, with details about the curre…

  • Newenigma and buttons remapping

    pwr200 - - General Talk


    I found the keymap.xml config file in usr/share/enigma2, am I supposed to edit it directly or there are some tools for doing that safely?

  • Newenigma and buttons remapping

    pwr200 - - General Talk


    Hi, does Newenigma support yellow/blue etc. buttons remapping working with DM920? I found enigma2-plugin-extensions-multiquickbuttonfhd.deb but once I managed to install it appeared to come from VU+ and I offered some options incompatible with Newenigma. I had some problems with this plug-in but I dissapeared after distro update, so no issues

  • default-FHD tweaking

    pwr200 - - Skins


    Hi I made a few modifications of the default-FHD skin to enlarge font size that was too small for eyses (I'm using 42" TV located at quite long distance). I modified screen names: "ChannelSelection" & "EventView" and the result was OK. Any font size paramater will always be a personal choice of course but maybe the EventView screen could be updated in Newnigma software for all as I did, to offer more text on the screen? Please have a look at the attached file and how the result looks like. Quest…

  • DM920 & Newnigma

    pwr200 - - General Talk


    Btw I checked the authenticity plug-in and the result was strange, not recognized model name, not matching S/N (on my box I have something like "DM920zzzzz" and the online check returned xxxx-yyyy), only the MAC address was valid Did you manage to get the correct results using the online S/N check on page? Or maybe this authenticity plug-in works corectly only on the original DM software?

  • DM920 & Newnigma

    pwr200 - - General Talk


    Thank you, it worked nicely, no issues, I used an old rytec.sources.xml file (attached) and events are properly imported

  • DM920 & Newnigma

    pwr200 - - General Talk


    Hi all, I've just received my new box and after testing a few E2 images I decided to stay on Newnigma which works really well. I have a couple of questions still: My previous experience was with Egami project that had some capabilities I miss here: - how to make full image backup to have a possibility to dump a complete binary wih all all the settings and have a possibility to restore in case of issues with new SW version? - is it possible to install on Newenigma an EPG importer plugin supportin…