
Suchergebnisse 1-5 von insgesamt 5.

  • automounts fehlen nach restart

    lupine - - Allgemeine Fragen


    Still no news on this problem?

  • RE: automounts fehlen nach restart

    lupine - - Allgemeine Fragen


    Zitat: „Originally posted by evo hallo habe das problem das beim restarten der box oft automounts fehlen dies tritt meist sehr sporadisch auf von 5 restart 2-3 mal das mounts fehlen meine box ist die DM500HD jetzt wollt ich fragen wer noch das problem seit 3.3.2 hatt“ Exact same problem here. Two DM500HD's with 8 network cifs shares each to my nas. Automountet perfectly on 3.3.1 but on the new 3.3.2 stable automount wont work.

  • DVB-Module update.

    lupine - - DM500HD


    Hi All There is a new update that installed a new DVB-Module package today. Stable feed. What does it fix? AC3 issues?

  • v.3.3 Vs EPG

    lupine - - General Talk


    Usually our sattelite carrier eg. the provider / package delivere (examples Sky Germany, Canal Digital etc.) uses a transponder where there are several channels that sends out EPG information for their own recievers. That transponder or better yet those specific channels you should find first. Then add them as zap timers in the timers menu.

  • RE: v.3.3 Vs EPG

    lupine - - General Talk


    Iam using OTA EPG on two sattelite positions. Just find the transponders that sends out 7 days of EPG and setup up timers that zaps to those channels at night. Every internet EPG services i have tried xmltvimport and crossepg haven't been stable enough in my experience.