
Suchergebnisse 1-2 von insgesamt 2.

  • Tune Failed every time I reboot DM800

    theodos - - General Talk


    Every time I reboot DM800 I get a tune failed and no picture. I have to unplug power for about at least a half an hour and then start again DM800. Then I get picture and everything again works ok until the next time I reboot. The tuner is Alps BSBE2 (DVB-S2) and the LNB is from EDISION. I have only one LNB. The image is newnigma 2.3.1 I have the same problem also with other images and with the original one. Does anyone know anything about this problem? Thanks!

  • Thank you!

    theodos - - Wichtige News


    Thank you for your work and updates!