
Suchergebnisse 1-3 von insgesamt 3.

  • dm920 2x triple tuner

    woobyz - - DM920UHD


    The frequencies do not overlap but you are right. The only way to zap between the operators is the pip mode. It is something but not enough. Maybe a future plugin or driver update will solve the problem. Thanks a lot for the answer.

  • dm920 2x triple tuner

    woobyz - - DM920UHD


    The box doesn't work with two tuners.that's the problem.Could be the same operator on both tuners,the issue is the same.It doesn't commute and give the tune fail message.

  • dm920 2x triple tuner

    woobyz - - DM920UHD


    Hello, first of all excuse my french. I join the 920 club few days ago but I can't get my box working with two dvb-c cable operators at the same time .I have one operator on tuner A and the other on tuner B but when to change channels from one operator to another (or one tuner to another) I got tune fail message on tuner B.It doesn't make too much sense for me especially that i bought the box in that configuration exactly for this reason as to watch two cable operators.It looks to me like a driv…