Usb or Cf

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    • Usb or Cf

      Hi what do you guys recommend is the better one to use a usb flash drive or a compact flash card?

      I currently use the DMM supplied 2Gb usb stick plugged in the internal usb slot of my 8000, i use this with a 256mb swap and some picons.

      Would i see better performance if i use a cf card and if so what is a good card to buy?


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    • RE: Usb or Cf

      have installed this one on bouth my dm8Ks to able make silent recordings at night-time…ers&qid=1304323871&sr=8-1
      [Blockierte Grafik:]

      just had to write two scripts by self,
      first mout device to static path /media/cf
      (chmod 755)
      start it from self made /etc/rc3.d/S90UserInit


      1. #!/bin/sh
      2. #
      3. # MartiniB #
      4. #
      5. `mount| grep -q /media/cf` && exit
      6. for i in /autofs/*-*-*-*-*; do FoundCF="$i"; done
      7. #[ -d "$FoundCF" ] && DevSD=`mount| grep " on $FoundCF "| awk {'print $1'}` && [ -e "$DevSD" ] && echo "$DevSD /media/cf auto defaults 0 0">>/etc/fstab && mount -a
      8. [ -d "$FoundCF" ] && DevSD=`mount| grep " on $FoundCF "| awk {'print $1'}` && [ -e "$DevSD" ] && mount -o rw "$DevSD" /media/cf
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      and second script copying files from /media/cf to hdd or network path only at day-time or when space is low
      (chmod 755)
      starting it every hour from /cron/tabs/root


      1. #!/bin/sh
      2. #
      3. # MartiniB #
      4. #
      5. SrcDir="/media/cf/movie/"
      6. #DstDir="/media/net/bigdisk/movie/"
      7. DstDir="/media/hdd/movie/"
      8. CfFreeSpaceIsEnough=4000000 # 4Gb
      9. ExitIF () {
      10. # if night-time and free space on flash is enough
      11. [ `date +%H` -le 08 ] && [ `df $SrcDir| tail -1| awk {'print $4'}` -ge "$CfFreeSpaceIsEnough" ] && exit
      12. }
      13. ExitIF
      14. for i in "$SrcDir"*.ts; do
      15. if [ -e "$i" ]; then
      16. echo "$i"
      17. fName=${i##*/}
      18. fName0=${fName%.ts}
      19. fSize=`ls -l "$i"| awk {'print $5'}`
      20. sleep 10
      21. if [ $fSize = `ls -l "$i"| awk {'print $5'}` ]; then
      22. DstFreeSpace=`df $DstDir| tail -1| awk {'print $4'}`
      23. if [ $(($fSize / 1000)) -lt "$DstFreeSpace" ]; then
      24. cp "$SrcDir$fName0"* "$DstDir"
      25. if [ $fSize = `ls -l "$SrcDir$fName0".ts| awk {'print $5'}` ]; then
      26. rm "$SrcDir$fName0"*
      27. fi
      28. fi
      29. fi
      30. fi
      31. ExitIF
      32. done
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      dm7080sstt; 2x dm8000sstt; dm7020s <- Diseq1x4 <- 3x Diseq1x10 <-
      1.8m 36E;28E;23E;19E;16E;13E;7E
      1.6m 42E;36E
      1.0m 10/9E;5E;1W;8W
      1.0m 15W;22W;30W
      1.1m 4/5W;12W;18W;24W
      1.1m 53E;60E
      1.0m 75E
      TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h
    • CF works longer without any problems.
      USB memorysticks can give problems after some months/years. (bad clusters symptoms)

      But that's what i experience. I use since a few years Compact Flash for timeshifting + picons + backup.
      Harddisk is only in use for recordings + playing.
      Dreambox DM8000 HD PVR (1.5TB hdd / BD-r(w) / 4GB cf & Newnigma2-unstable) - 2x DiSEqC 4/1 switch - 4x Smart Titanium 0.1 db Universal Twin LNB (13.0E/19.2E/23.5E/28.2E) - Visiosat Bisat HD dish.
      Member of