
    • Hi,

      Thanks for the latest image.
      However, there is something that worries me:

      Removed: xmltvimport from feeds. not longer works with new e2

      It worked like a charm with the previous version of this image. So what happened now?
      Is this Enigma 2's fault? Is it Newnigma2's fault? Or should the developers of xmltvimport upgrade their plugin to suit the latest Enigma 2?

    • Originally posted by dhwz
      From what I see the plugin is actually working, only replacement of epg.dat with epg_new.dat by the forced Enigma2 restart doesn't seem to work.

      Can this be done somehow manually using FTP or telnet?
    • Original von Robinson
      Originally posted by dhwz
      From what I see the plugin is actually working, only replacement of epg.dat with epg_new.dat by the forced Enigma2 restart doesn't seem to work.

      Can this be done somehow manually using FTP or telnet?


      type "init 4" on the telnet console to stop engima2

      copy epg_new.dat to epg.dat with "cp /hdd/epg_new.dat /hdd/epg.dat"

      and restart enigma2 with "init 3"