DM500HD Tune Failed problem plz help

    • DM500HD Tune Failed problem plz help

      Hello I just updated the image to 3.3.2 and I get a tune failed message on several channels. Mostly on sky de and sky italia. Nova, sky uk etc work fine. I tried other receiver and I have signal at a good level quality more than70% on those transponders. Also when I scan the transponders with the dm500hd I get all the channels.

      I have a 4 to 1 DiseqC v2.0 and set the settings to simple ABCD. I tried several settings like increased voltage, DiseqC repeat etc but no luck. Ay ideas?

    • thats the settings in sat config m8 i would double check.
      just set it to 28.2 simple sat config and scan.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von fcukbcfc ()

    • What do you mean? M8?

      I have te hot bird at DiseqC port 1 so I will try with sky italia. However when I scan I get the channels but when I try to view them I get tune failed error.

      Edit: tried that but no help the problem continues. When I scan the transponder the channels appear but when I try to view them I get tune failed error.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von a621gr ()