wifi newnigma2 problem ! broken lan !

  • wifi newnigma2 problem ! broken lan !

    Hello to all from greece. I have dm500hd sim2.10 bootloader 83 and the firmware is
    newnigma 2 Release-2011-01-22 (enigma:2011-01-19: experimental)
    Can help me please someone to install from usb wifi plugin to work my dm ?
    i can not reflash my box again because my lan broken and don't work anymore. can i save my box with wifi and work again?
    i have usb from dm500hd arleady (ATHEROS ZD1211B AR5007UG THOMSON WIRELESS WiFi USB ADAPTER DONGLE DUAL BAND 2.0) but i cant install plugin to enable wifi :(
    please tell me what can i do without ethernet ?
  • bye bye !

    no clone support !

    buy an genuine dreambox and wifi will work !

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