Newnigma 4.0.15

    • Hi all,
      Sorry for writing in eng. I am from Denmark and is more comfortable with english.

      For any help it can be. Here is what I did to have the dreambox updated:

      If you can.. first:
      - Save config and plugin list on HDD

      - Get the image (v4.0.16). I took the full.
      - Flash the dreambox
      - Setup basic (lang, screen setting), just skip the rest.
      - Do the online update
      - restart (there shuld be no boot issues now)
      - remove webbrowser plugin (to make space)
      - restart
      - install "flash expander" plugin
      - restart
      - setup "flash expander" (I have a USB key in box i use. You may also use the HDD).
      - restart
      - install the webbrowser plugin (if you need it)
      - restart
      - restore settings (from your backup)
      - restart
      - restore plugins (from your backup)
      - restart

      Now all should work :)

      I now have to go over almost all channels to set subtitles. (for my kids).
      a restart will store settings.

      The "subtitle selection on recordings" bug from (v4.0.16) and EMC is still there.
      On recordings you have to select subtitles every time as the setting is not stored and EMC can not select subtitles if they are from TTX.
      (EMC is of cause setup to select the correct lang.).

      Hope this can help some one.

      all the best