DM800 startet nicht

    • DM800 startet nicht

      Hallo zusammen

      meine DM800 startet auch nicht mehr.

      Spoiler anzeigen
      [H[Jroot@dm800:~# [6n

      /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0: Device or resource busy

      Enigma2 v4.0.0 (revision: tarball-20141201-0-ge467e4d, date: 2015-01-05)

      Enigma2 is property of Dream Multimedia GmbH. All copyrights with regard to
      Enigma2 belong to Dream Multimedia GmbH only.

      The full license text is available at /usr/share/doc/enigma2/LICENSE.

      enigma2 is the main pvr application... adjust oom score!

      sh: 960/oom_score_adj: unknown operand

      /usr/bin/ line 34: can't create /proc/4845 960/oom_adj: nonexistent directory

      PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python

      + (8) graphics acceleration manager

      + (9) GFBDC
      16384k video mem
      - double buffering not available.
      14764kB available for acceleration surfaces.
      resolution: 720 x 576 x 32 (stride: 2880)
      + (9) gLCDDC
      realpath /proc/stb/lcd/xres: No such file or directory
      lcd buffer 0x800650 8448 bytes, stride 132
      + (9) Font Render Class
      [FONT] initializing lib...
      [FONT] loading fonts...
      [FONT] Intializing font cache, using max. 4MB...
      + (10) gRC
      RC thread created successfully
      + (15) eWindowStyleManager
      + (20) DVB-CI UI
      + (20) UHF Modulator
      couldnt open /dev/rfmod0!!!!
      + (20) RC Input layer
      + (20) misc options
      + (20) HDMI CEC Subsystem
      no HDMI CEC hardware found!
      + (20) AVSwitch Driver
      couldnt open /dev/dbox/fp0 to monitor vcr scart slow blanking changed!
      + (21) input device driver
      EVIOCGRAB: Device or resource busy
      Input device "dreambox front panel" is a remotecontrol
      EVIOCGRAB: Device or resource busy
      Input device "dreambox remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
      EVIOCGRAB: Device or resource busy
      Input device "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" is a remotecontrol
      Input device "dreambox ir keyboard" is a keyboard
      Input device "dreambox ir mouse" is a mouse

      Found 5 input devices!
      + (21) Console RC Driver
      + (30) eActionMap
      + (35) CI Slots
      scanning for common interfaces..
      cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input0
      cannot open /proc/stb/tsmux/input1
      done, found 0 common interface slots
      + (40) eServiceCenter
      settings instance.
      + (41) eHbbtv
      + (41) eServiceFactoryBludisc
      + (41) eServiceFactoryM2TS
      + (41) eServiceFactoryMP3
      + (41) eServiceFactoryFS
      + (41) eServiceFactoryDVB
      reached rl 70
      ---- opening lame channel db
      reading services (version 4)

      loaded 1521 services

      scanning for frontends..
      opening frontend 0
      failed! (/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) Device or resource busy
      scanning for demux..
      scanning for decoders..
      scanning for descramblers..
      found 1 adapter, 0 frontends(0 sim) and 4 demux, boxtype 1
      [eDVBLocalTimeHandler] Use valid Linux Time 'Sun Jan 10 15:03:13 2016' :) (RTC?)
      [EPGC] Initialized EPGCache (wait for setCacheFile call now)
      before: 1
      after: 1
      before: 1
      after: 1
      [eFileMonitor] File Watcher starting
      setIoPrio best-effort level 7 ok
      setIoPrio best-effort level 7 ok

      Loading spinners...

      found 12 spinners!
      executing main
      setIoPrio best-effort level 6 ok

      main thread is non-idle! display spinner!

      Reading satellites.xml

      main thread is non-idle! display spinner!

      sec config cleared
      slot: 0 configmode: advanced

      add 192 to 1
      sec config completed

      [setupConfigEntries] initial_call for stored uuid: f7f30af5-746c-4cff-94b1-601e59ac75b9 {'mountpoint': '/media/usb', 'device_info': 'Lower USB', 'device_description': 'Verbatim-STORE N GO (8.010 GB)', 'enabled': 'true', 'isRemovable': 'true'}

      Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.
      The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which
      could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.

      mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/f7f30af5-746c-4cff-94b1-601e59ac75b9 on /media/usb failed: Device or resource busy
      [mountPartitionbyUUID]: mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/f7f30af5-746c-4cff-94b1-601e59ac75b9 /media/usb
      [mountPartitionbyUUID] could not mount mountdir: /media/usb
      [setupConfigEntries] initial_call for stored uuid: 36de4103-4216-47dc-ac79-fe10ea6be940 {'device_info': 'SATA', 'device_description': 'ATA-SAMSUNG HM320JI (320.072 GB)'}
      [setupConfigEntries] initial_call for stored uuid: cd4e73b7-7239-4d73-898b-11b5d861652d {'mountpoint': '/media/hdd', 'device_info': 'SATA', 'device_description': 'ATA-SAMSUNG HM320JI (320.072 GB)', 'enabled': 'true'}

      enumerating block devices...

      found block device 'sdb': ok, removable=True, cdrom=False, partitions=['sdb1']
      new Harddisk sdb -> /dev/sdb -> /dev/sdb

      [addDevicePartition] device:'sdb' with UUID:'None' failed to read /sys/block/sdb1/removable

      found block device 'sdb1': error querying properties
      [addDevicePartition] device:'sdb1' with UUID:'f7f30af5-746c-4cff-94b1-601e59ac75b9'

      Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.
      The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which
      could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.

      mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/f7f30af5-746c-4cff-94b1-601e59ac75b9 on /media/usb failed: Device or resource busy
      [mountPartitionbyUUID]: mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/f7f30af5-746c-4cff-94b1-601e59ac75b9 /media/usb
      [mountPartitionbyUUID] could not mount mountdir: /media/usb
      [enumerateBlockDevices] devices_scanned_on_init: [('sdb', True, False, True)]
      found block device 'mtdblock3': blacklisted
      found block device 'mtdblock2': blacklisted
      found block device 'mtdblock1': blacklisted
      found block device 'mtdblock0': blacklisted
      found block device 'sda': ok, removable=False, cdrom=False, partitions=['sda1']
      new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
      [ePopen] command: ('hdparm', 'hdparm', '-S0', '/dev/sda')

      [addDevicePartition] device:'sda' with UUID:'None' failed to read /sys/block/sda1/removable

      found block device 'sda1': error querying properties
      [addDevicePartition] device:'sda1' with UUID:'36de4103-4216-47dc-ac79-fe10ea6be940'
      [setupConfigEntries] new device add for 'sda1' with uuid:'36de4103-4216-47dc-ac79-fe10ea6be940'


      [enumerateBlockDevices] devices_scanned_on_init:
      [('sdb', True, False, True), ('sda', False, False, True)]
      found block device 'loop7': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop6': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop5': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop4': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop3': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop2': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop1': blacklisted
      found block device 'loop0': blacklisted

      not loading user skin:
      [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/skin_user.xml'

      Preferred tag editor set to

      loading bouquet... /etc/enigma2/
