Diseqc motor and diseqc problem and low quality of screen problem...

    • Diseqc motor and diseqc problem and low quality of screen problem...

      Dear friend hello,

      I want to mention about a problem in image of newnigma2 OE2.5 for dm900 4k.

      The image writers should solve this three problem immediately.

      1-) diseqc motor and diseqc instruments can not be used in dm909 4k newnigma2 OE2.5 image... tuner did not recognize diseqc motor and even a simple A/B diseqc

      2-) screen quality is so bad, it should be increased.

      3-) cccam should be used in OE2.5 and there should be some panels suitable for OE 2.5

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    • Diseqc motor and diseqc problem and low quality of screen problem...

      gutemine schrieb:

      1.the tuner doesn't recognize anything you config what you have and it works.
      2. Wrong
      3. Useless

      Dear friend hello;

      1-) i have dm600, dm800, dm7020, dm8000 and now dm900... i know that how to condigure tuner adjustments...
      2-) problem is that image doesn't recognize instruments such as diseqc motor, diceqc A/B... image has some tuner prıblems...
      3-) i think that you dont use dm900 and you dont install OE2.5 because screen quality is terrible but you dont agree with this.

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