Advanced Graphics auch bei NewNigma?

    • Advanced Graphics auch bei NewNigma?

      Ist eventuell beabsichtigt auch bei den NewNigma2 Images die Advanced Graphics zu nutzen, wie im neuen Nabilo Image?

      Das macht optisch wirklich viel her, auch wenn das natürlich nicht das einzige Kriterium für ein Image ist.

    • Kann ich leider erst heute Mittag machen. Bin gerade auf der Arbeit und da habe ich keine Upload Rechte (wegen Terminal Server Lösung für Internet)

      Oder ist es erlaubt auf das Thema eines anderen Forums zu verlinken?


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von lapidis ()

    • Original von lapidis
      Oder ist es erlaubt auf das Thema eines anderen Forums zu verlinken?

      na klar, solange es mit dem board topic zu tun hat sehn wir dies sogar gern und konkurrenz belebt das geschäft :D
    • I think this is what is being talked about:

      [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]Nabilosat Enigma2 Black Hole - DM800 v0.8 AG[/COLOR][/SIZE]

      [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]Advanced Graphics[/COLOR][/SIZE]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]What is new in this version 0.8 ?[/SIZE][/COLOR]

      Nabilosat v 0.8 is the first image introducing advanced graphic engine with effects and animations.
      The graphic enigne is highly optimized to have the best and faster E2 image in HD resolution 1280x720.

      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]New Skin[/COLOR][/SIZE]
      [INDENT]HD skin Black Shadow By Matrix10[/INDENT]

      [INDENT]High resolution bootlogos by MaximoII[/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]New Graphic Engine[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [INDENT]Enigma graphic engine starts up directly in HD[/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]New Effects and animations[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [INDENT]Animation during CAM start[/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]New Effects and animations[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [INDENT]Animation during Addons Server Connection[/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]New System Monitor Panel[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [INDENT]New and Revolutionary Graphic System Monitor Panel (1x Blue + 1x Yellow)[/INDENT]

      [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]New System Monitor Panel[/COLOR][/SIZE]
      [INDENT]Monitor popup animation in System Monitor Panel[/INDENT]

      Enigma2 CVS date
      [indent]15 February 2009 2.6 experimental[/indent]
      Drivers date
      [INDENT]07 February 2009[/INDENT]
      Second Stage #70-pr1

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]Main Function Keys[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [INDENT]Button 1xOK = Light Info Skin
      Button 2xOK = Extra Info Skin
      Button Blue = Nabilo Blue Panel
      Button 1x Blue + 1x Yellow = New System Monitor Panel
      Button Blue-Long-Push = Extensions
      Button Green = Nabilo Green Panel
      Button Green-Long-Push = Subservices
      Button Red = Start Record
      Button Yellow = Time Shift[/INDENT]

      [INDENT]Dedicated Addons Server
      Download and install additional packages from Nabilosat server[/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]Infobar/OSD [/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [INDENT]Enigma2 Analogic Clock
      Channel Orbital Position

      Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec
      Signal SNR, BER
      Infobar Picons
      LCD/OLED Picons
      Advanced EMU information[/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]Nabilo Panels features[/SIZE][/COLOR]

      [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Blue"]1) Blue Panel[/COLOR][/SIZE]
      [INDENT]OSD Settings
      Nabilosat E2 EPG Settings
      LCD Settings
      Fast Plugin Settings
      Inadyn Settings
      Swap File Settings
      Hard Disk Setup
      Nabilo Mount Wizard
      OpenVPN Panel
      Samba/Cifs Panel
      NFS Server Panel
      Telnet Panel
      FTP Panel[/INDENT][/INDENT]
      [INDENT]System Monitor Panel
      [INDENT]CCcam Info
      Service Info
      Enigma2 Settings

      [INDENT]Select/Start/Restart EMU[/INDENT][/INDENT]

      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]2) Green Panel[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      Fast Plugin

      [INDENT]Addons Download Manager
      Manual Install Nab packages
      Manual Install IPK packages
      Addons Uninstall Panel
      Nabilosat Statistics[/INDENT]

      Many thanks to the Beta Testers Team
      ^^Corrado^^,Neri73, Ferbius, Matrix10, lorenzo64, greg, robyhummy, nixus

      E2 Sky Epg loader integration by MaxZ4.
      Matrix10 for the new Black Shadow skin.
      Army for the new System Monitor Panel graphics.
      ^^MaXiMo^^ for bootlogos.
      Many Thanks to lukkino (VDR-Italia) for opentv source code.

      This Images doesn't contain any keys nor softcams.
      Backups or other modified Images are not supported!

      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]WARNING.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [INDENT][SIZE="3"]If you install it to multiboot, you must install the Nabilosat Pure Flash DM 800 dated 18 February 2009. Nabilosat Pure Flash DM800 18FEB2009 is available [COLOR="Blue"]here[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/INDENT]