Streaming with VLC

    • Streaming with VLC

      Hello everyone!
      First I would like to say that the Newnigma Image is awsome, I really appreciate the work you guys put into this to make the DM600 modern. Thanx guys.

      Now one question.

      Is it possible to stream from PC to Dreambox with this Image.
      Ive tried evething but cant get it working.
      I´m using VLC 0.98a


    • RE: Streaming with VLC

      Original von GizmoPower
      Hello everyone!
      First I would like to say that the Newnigma Image is awsome, I really appreciate the work you guys put into this to make the DM600 modern. Thanx guys.

      Now one question.

      Is it possible to stream from PC to Dreambox with this Image.
      Ive tried evething but cant get it working.
      I´m using VLC 0.98a



      no, it is not possible to stream with dm600, to enable streaming we would need gstreamer, but this is not availiable for the dm600, sorry no way.

      "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)
    • RE: Streaming with VLC

      Original von GizmoPower
      Tanx for youre replye Louis.

      Is this something that might be a reality in the future then?


      no i don't think so, this has to be done by DreamMultimedia and in my opinion they have to fix some other things more badly. So i wouldn't count on that.

      "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)
    • Streaming from PC to DM600 with vlcplayer4ppc is available on the unstable feed.

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