Zerotier Plugin

    • chmod 755 /usr/sbin/zerotier-cli

      Aktuelle Version in Post #15

      gruß pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von pclin ()

    • Update in Post #18


      1. root@dm920:/tmp# zerotier-one -d
      2. root@dm920:/tmp# zerotier-cli info
      3. 200 info da86cc2757 1.8.1 ONLINE
      Sorry es gab Fehler in den Paketen.
      Sorry there were errors in the packages.

      ZeroTier Knowledge Base

      gruß pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • With the version "zerotier-one_1.8.1-r0.2_armhf.deb", when I do the command "root@dm920: zerotier-cli join «xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx»", it keeps giving this message "zerotier-cli: missing port and zerotier- one.port not found in /var/lib/zerotier-one".
      I hope you can get it fixed. Tanks.
    • Did you run zerotier-one -d before?


      1. root@dm920:/media/hdd/comp# ls -la /var/lib/zerotier-one
      2. total 40
      3. drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Apr 15 18:00 .
      4. drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Apr 15 17:59 ..
      5. -rw------- 1 root root 24 Apr 15 18:00 authtoken.secret
      6. drwx------ 4 root root 4096 Apr 15 18:00 controller.d
      7. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 141 Apr 15 18:00 identity.public
      8. -rw------- 1 root root 270 Apr 15 18:00 identity.secret
      9. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 15 18:00 peers.d
      10. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 570 Apr 15 18:00 planet
      11. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Apr 15 17:59 zerotier-cli -> ../../../usr/sbin/zerotier-one
      12. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Apr 15 17:59 zerotier-idtool -> ../../../usr/sbin/zerotier-one
      13. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Apr 15 17:59 zerotier-one -> ../../../usr/sbin/zerotier-one
      14. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Apr 15 20:20
      15. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Apr 15 20:20 zerotier-one.port
      Alles anzeigen
      Port is Default 9993


      1. zerotier-one -h
      2. ZeroTier One version 1.8.1
      3. Copyright (c) 2020 ZeroTier, Inc.
      4. Licensed under the ZeroTier BSL 1.1 (see LICENSE.txt)
      5. Usage: zerotier-one [-switches] [home directory]
      6. Available switches:
      7. -h - Display this help
      8. -v - Show version
      9. -U - Skip privilege check and do not attempt to drop privileges
      10. -p<port> - Port for UDP and TCP/HTTP (default: 9993, 0 for random)
      11. -d - Fork and run as daemon (Unix-ish OSes)
      12. -i - Generate and manage identities (zerotier-idtool)
      13. -q - Query API (zerotier-cli)
      Alles anzeigen
      regards pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • Yes surely. Before using Newniga2 image I used original+Gemini4 image and zerotier always worked fine.
      I think it must be some mismatch in the Newnigma2 image.
      I also have other receivers (Pulse 4K, Mutant Hd51 and the Gigablue UE 4K) and they all work fine with zerotier-one with any image.
      I would really like to see this resolved, as I am really enjoying the Newnigma2 image.
    • Please post the output of ls -la /var/lib/zerotier-one
      When zerotier-one is started, zerotier-one.port is created there.
      You can also start with zerotier-one -d -p9333

      regards pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • Now "light has come"!
      After sending the command "zerotier-one -d -p9333", zerotier-one then already accepted the "zerotier-cli join xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".
      The problem was that the zero tier one never started and I had no idea about that, because on the other receivers I never needed to send that command.
      Thank you very much.
      One question, does zero tier always start automatically when I restart the receiver?
    • No, it doesn't start automatically.
      But you can set this up, e.g. with a systemd service or rc.local.

      regards pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • I just compiled and deployed the binaries.You can test this with rc.local.
      Create or edit /etc/rc.local.
      Adjust <network ID>.
      Make executable chmod 755 /etc/rc.local.
      Use a Linux-compliant editor (geany or notepad++) , end of line LF


      1. #!/bin/sh -e
      2. #
      3. # rc.local
      4. #
      5. # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
      6. # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
      7. # value on error.
      8. #
      9. # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
      10. # bits.
      11. #
      12. # By default this script does nothing.
      13. delayed_start () {
      14. sleep 15
      15. /usr/sbin/zerotier-one -d
      16. sleep 10
      17. /usr/sbin/zerotier-cli join xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      18. }
      19. delayed_start &
      20. exit 0
      Alles anzeigen
      regards pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • What exactly isn't working Zerotier or autostarting with rc.local?
      Run rc.local in the console and post the output.


      1. killall -9 zerotier-one
      2. /etc/rc.local
      regards pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • Autostarting with rc.local never worked.
      Manually, it works from time to time but it turns off very easily without me doing anything to make it happen.
      Right now I'm testing again but the results haven't changed.

      One more piece of information following my tests:
      - I use DCC to send the telnet commands.
      - When I manually activate zero tier with commands, if I keep DCC on, zero tier keeps working. If I turn DCC off, zero tier also turns off.

      One more result:
      - If I use Putty to send the commands, even if I turn it off at the end, the zero tier keeps working. Thus, the problems of manual activation and the continuation of operation were solved .

      - What remains to be resolved: Autostarting with rc.local never worked.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von rcc_pt ()

    • Adjust <network ID>. in rc.local did you do?
      Run rc.local in Putty and post the output.


      1. killall -9 zerotier-one
      2. /etc/rc.local
      regards pclin
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever
    • login as: root

      # #
      # This is a Dreambox #
      # #
      # with #
      # #
      # Unauthorized access to this system is prohibited ! #
      # #
      # This system is actively monitored and all connections may be logged. #
      # By accessing this system, you consent to this monitoring. #
      # #

      up 21 minutes
      root@dm920:~$ killall -9 zerotier-one
      zerotier-one: no process found
      root@dm920:~$ /etc/rc.local
      -bash: /etc/rc.local: Is a directory

      And yes I adjuste <network ID>. in rc.local
    • -bash: /etc/rc.local: Is a directory

      You did something wrong there, this directory does not exist in my NN2. And also no rc.local file.


      1. ls -la /etc |grep rc.local
      ls -la /etc |grep rc.local finds nothing.

      Test if the directory is empty, ls -la /etc/rc.local
      Empty then delete rm -rf /etc/rc.local.
      Upload the rc.local to /etc via FTP, without .txt.
      in Putty type mc -x -e /etc/rc.local.
      Enter your <network ID>
      2 - Save, 10 - Exit, 10 - Exit.
      Enter chmod 755 /etc/rc.local.
      Now test if everything works Enter /etc/rc.local, after about 25 seconds Zerotier should work.

      regards pclin

      Use the rc.local from this post, the first one I uploaded had something in it for testing...

      Without FTP and Download rc.local.txt
      mc -x -e /etc/rc.local
      Copy and paste the shell script content from Post #31.
      Enter your <network ID>.
      2 - Save, 10 - Exit, 10 - Exit.
      Enter chmod 755 /etc/rc.local.
      Now test if everything works Enter /etc/rc.local, after about 25 seconds Zerotier should work.
      • mc-edit.png

        55,38 kB, 1.919×1.051, 75 mal angesehen
      • rc.local.txt

        (434 Byte, 79 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
      Dreambox ONE/TWO, DM920UHD, DM900UHD, DM820HD HDD + USB-HUB, Stick 64GB, USB-HDD, Wireless Touch Keyboard K400r, Wlan-Stick 11n
      (Flash) DP-OE2.6 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.6, debian-buster
      (Flash) DP-OE2.5 (BAXII) eigenes OE2.5-e2+kodi+X, debian-stretch
      AudioDSP: miniDSP 2x4HD
      TV: LG OLED65BX9LB (PicCap)
      Hyperion und Plugin HyperionControl auf der Dreambox One
      ESP32 mit WLED Wlan 263 LED's SK6812 RGBW-NW 60 LED/m

      Ambilight for ever

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von pclin ()