DM820 problem with RJ45 connector, the network is not activated at boot

    • DM820 problem with RJ45 connector, the network is not activated at boot

      Hi. I have observed that in this model of receiver, in some receivers, the network cable must be connected and disconnected multiple times, since it does not activate at startup, and therefore the receiver starts without connection to the network.

      Can there be a problem with the network hardware?

      Thanks and best regards.
    • shutdown the device and reboot to the rescue mode: turn on the dm820 and keep the front button pressed until "rescue loader" is shown on the display

      if an (DHCP) IP is shown on the display shut down the device and start it again. After this action the network should be back again. Sometimes you have to boot for serval times to the rescue mode.

      I don't know if this is a known issue, but my dm820 starts also with inactive network/NIC from sometime. It is also not possible to awake the NIC via shell/serial connection. But booting the dm820 to the rescue mode has solved this issue always so far.
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox


      Source Code

      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Fred Bogus Trumper ().