DVD player speed

    • Need faster dvd


      I have oposite problem. When I run dvd player dvd slows down to minimum speed. At this speed it is not able to play any dvd (video is very slow or gets frozen for a while). This issue is not dependent on dvd speed setup under blue menu. Simply, when i run dvd player it slows down to unusable speed.
      This is reason why I need to remove newnigma from my dm800. Or can I get a chance for newnigma? How can I fix it?
    • I think, that usage of different image is not so expensive solution like new box...:-)
      Anyway, I tried to use libdvdcss2 from oozoon image where dvd is working well (i think it is libdvdcss2_1.2.12-r0_mips32el) and the efect is the same. This issue is just newnigma related, I don't see it in any other image. Probably it comes from utility setting dvd speed...Is it possible to uninstall that?