NewNigma and webinterface?

    • NewNigma and webinterface?

      Hi, got NewNigma 2.8 installed and have been looking for a way to activate/install the web interface (for adding new timers remotely and for streaming channels locally).

      This was on default in Gemini 4.x but I can't find in in NN.

      Anyone have the solution on this? I suspect I just have to activate what the feature on port 80 and it's done, but how/where?

      Regards, Marius
    • Dear Marius,

      Just to anderstand your question.
      You are able to open the webinterface at your homenetwork?
      ->Just type in your dreambox ip and your are in.
      ->If you would like to use the webinterface remote (outside your homenetwork) you need to open the port 80 on the router to connect the webinterface. Normaly you should use a service like which do a mapping to your dynamic ip.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von sonik ()

    • Originally posted by sonik
      Dear Marius,

      Just to anderstand your question.
      You are able to open the webinterface at your homenetwork?
      ->Just type in your dreambox ip and your are in.
      ->If you would like to use the webinterface remote (outside your homenetwork) you need to open the port 80 on the router to connect the webinterface. Normaly you should use a service like which do a mapping to your dynamic ip.


      Dear Sonic,

      When i type the DM800's IP in a browser i don't get anything. That's what strange because it used to work flawless on Gemini 4.x

      How do I enable this since it's not enbled by default? The DM800 got a static IP and I'm able to connect with FTP all the time. The internal firewalls are also totally open. A few of my friends also have same image and they can't get anything from their DM800 by just typing the IP in Firefix/Chrome.

      Any clues?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von mariusm69 ()

    • Original von mariusm69

      How do I enable this since it's not enbled by default?

      The web-interface is enabled by default, no need to edit anything. Just enter the IP in your favourite browser and go.

      Give some more details about your environment, what version of newnigma2 do you use, what browser? What kind of OS on your Computer? Any (Software)Firewalls on your System?
      "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)
    • Originally posted by LoUiS
      The web-interface is enabled by default, no need to edit anything. Just enter the IP in your favourite browser and go.

      Give some more details about your environment, what version of newnigma2 do you use, what browser? What kind of OS on your Computer? Any (Software)Firewalls on your System?

      Using Windows 7 HP64 bit on the PC, with both IE & Chrome. Firewall has the ports open but I also disabled the whole firewall just in case. It did not help. Fsecure V9 AtiVirus is also running.

      Tried it also with another PC running Win7Ultimate32 WITHOUT Fsecure installed and it does not work either.

      Both PC's can FTP-connect with Chrome/IE browsers using

      Using newnigma 2.8

      Funny thing is that when I type in any browser it responds in 2 seconds "Oops! This link appears to be broken"
      When I enter an unused IP like it waits for a timeOut (at least 1 minute) before displaying the exact same message "Oops! This link appears to be broken"... so it must be "hitting something" at my DM800

      Can I look into the config-files on my DM800 to see it there's any settings that are messed up?

    • Hi,

      Yes, it's unchecked.

      I found something interesting: when I press the blue button and select "Newnigma2 Services", then "Plugin Menu" I get this:

      "Some plugins are not available:
      SystemPlugins/CrashlogAutoSubmit (EOF read where object expected)
      Extensions/WebInterface (EOF read where object expected)
      SystemPlugins/CrashlogAutoSubmit (EOF read where object expected)

      This has to be something. I've tried to remove and add the WebInterface a few times, but with the same result.
    • Original von mariusm69

      Yes, it's unchecked.

      I found something interesting: when I press the blue button and select "Newnigma2 Services", then "Plugin Menu" I get this:

      "Some plugins are not available:
      SystemPlugins/CrashlogAutoSubmit (EOF read where object expected)
      Extensions/WebInterface (EOF read where object expected)
      SystemPlugins/CrashlogAutoSubmit (EOF read where object expected)

      This has to be something. I've tried to remove and add the WebInterface a few times, but with the same result.

      Do you use any kind of boot loader, or do you have Newnigma2 installed to flash, as it is recommended? In case you already have installed to flash, i would advise to re flash the image.
      "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)
    • No boot loader, and image is installed into flash from scratch.

      Yes, it sounds like the quick solution to this is to re-flash the latest version and start again from there.

      Thanks for all your help. I will post again in this thread if problem continues.

      Greetings, Marius