Dm800 hd and eyetv hybrid

    • RE: Dm800 hd and eyetv hybrid

      Did you use the search function ...? Here's the only thread that has eyetv as a string in the text ...: Ext. USB Tuner
      Gruss Grillehirni 8)
      DM7020HD(sc) mit Samsung HD204UI, 2TB / Newnigma2
      47" LG 47LM671 / DVD-RW Samsung SE-T084M
      Topfield CRP-2401 CI+, 1TB / UPC CC DigiCard (Abo)
    • Stop begging, please.
      Your cry for help has been seen the first time, no use bumping the thread.

      If someone knows something useful, they will probably answer.

      If not, then you need to do some studying by yourself.

      And if you are a helpful person, you will report back to us to maybe help someone else in the same kind of situation.
    • Originally posted by Raitsa
      Stop begging, please.
      Your cry for help has been seen the first time, no use bumping the thread.

      If someone knows something useful, they will probably answer.

      If not, then you need to do some studying by yourself.

      And if you are a helpful person, you will report back to us to maybe help someone else in the same kind of situation.

      of course I will do that if I find the solution. I searched last night with google for 5 hours I tried 3 images of dm800 and I did not found nothing.
      So I am looking here for people who can help me.