
Suchergebnisse 1-17 von insgesamt 17.

  • EPG's program names are at wrong language.

    realjobe - - DM7020HD


    Hi there. This problem as been here for a long time, even from image version 3.3.2. CASE: Using "newnigma2-unstable-dm7020hd-07_01_2013" image with 0.8w and 4.8E satellites. This image is very good! Image's language is set to "finnish" and timezone is set to "helsinki". Problem. It seems that in many case programnames and their infos are not consistent at all. Some programs are in sweedish and infos are in finnish and so on and so on. Language variations vary from sweedish, norvegean, english to…

  • nope. although dmesg | grep usb shows "usb 4-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0" SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+ does not work.. Reader is at normal kernel. edit.. Worked with another card, but not with my correct card.. must be the mhz..

  • Strange. I pluged the reader in, but lsusb does not show any usb device attached. LED blinked on the reader so hw is working.. Isn't lsusb suppose to show the device's name etc..Now i have only BUS 1-4 with nothing but Device & id. dmesg shows: Quellcode (16 Zeilen) So, is the Device drivers loaded now? How do I use this in Cccam.cfg? /dev/ttyUSB0? nothing seems to work.. card mhz needs to be 5Mhz.

  • ok.. And the device pointing is that /dev/ttyUSB0? Do I need to boot the DreamBox Up with the readerHW attached or can it be pluged in afterwards? So the Image do have the USBSerial drivers already installed and running?

  • Hi there. Using "newnigma2-unstable-dm7020hd-07_01_2013" and I have some trouble using smargo cardreader with Cccam 2.3.0. Smargo has kernel Dreambox, not normal. The reader works great with Debian Oscam 1.2 b800x as is. Freq =5Mhz there. lsusb in dreambox does not show the device. Do I need to install USBSerial drivers? Will /dev/ttyUSB0 work?

  • SmartReader Plus drivers?

    realjobe - - DM7020HD


    ok.. helped, Now I could read old Canal+ cards with oscam/cccam but my new card just won't open with ccam. osam reads it but can't use it...

  • SmartReader Plus drivers?

    realjobe - - DM7020HD


    1st, Thank you for helping me. I have not been able to do enything but the see the SmartReader in the DeviceManager. No button shows any menu etc where to adjust it. Device is ttyUSB0 if I can recall correctly what was on the screen E2 Boots if I press ok on the smartCard device on the devicemanager. No crash log etc showd. SmartCard reader is set to DreamBox kernel..

  • SmartReader Plus drivers?

    realjobe - - DM7020HD


    ok, So i did not break anything by installing these again? Installer said "1 pack installed succesfully" for both of those ipk files... Why does you think the device manager looses the Reader when I insert the card? How do I use this is Cccam config? /dev/?

  • SmartReader Plus drivers?

    realjobe - - DM7020HD


    so. was it wrong to install…2.6.18-r50.2_dm7020hd.ipk and…2.6.18-r50.2_dm7020hd.ipk Devicemanager seems to show the reader but it disappears quite often.. everytime i insert the card actually.

  • SmartReader Plus drivers?

    realjobe - - DM7020HD


    Hi. Have anyone got succesfully installed SmartReader Plus to read smartCards.. How to install, where to get kernel module drivers for NewNigma v3.3.2

  • DM7025-NNv3.2 and enable SSL on WebIf?

    realjobe - - DM7025


    Hi there. Using "Newnigma2 v3.2.2 2011-07-07" on my 7025+. Webinterface Version: 1.6.8 How to get the Web to Use SSL? Plugins WebIf has "enable https", but how and where to place the sertificate? I have created OpenSSL based valid cert for My Apache HTTP already.. is this cert valid for this aswell?

  • Infobar's position on the screen.

    realjobe - - DM7025


    Hi there. v2.6 seems to work quite ok, some DVB-T "unable to tune" was shown..

  • RE: [Bug] SingleChannelEPG crashes.

    realjobe - - DM7025


    There is something wrong with this image. I managed to flash clean install and at first everything was working. I had SuomiPoeka 0.93, Skin was Glassline. Somehow with out any reason, the SingleEPG broke again. Debuglog is This problem renders this great image to trashcan.

  • [Bug] SingleChannelEPG crashes.

    realjobe - - DM7025


    Hi there. Using Newnigma2 v2.4 on a clean install, no restores, no barry etc.. The system crashes to green screen when pressing INFO and selecting "Single Channel EPG". Error is for keymap to have fault action. The skin does not effect this but Keymap does. Problem occures if keymap is "Enigma2", but works with "Neutrino". Also the HardDrive free space does not work. I have 750GB drive. It shows something like -1.0xxx ..

  • Dear Borard. Using 2.1.3 version of NewNigma. I found a small bug: - If user browses channels from that grid-typed MultiEPG (behind bluebutton, below sleeptimer), selectes a program and Adds it to timers the "regular" EPG (up/down arrows on remote and loong info press on channel) there is not Clock icon shown in the front of the program, despite the timer is there.

  • RE: expert ecm in skin Newenigma2

    realjobe - - General Talk


    That would be more than welcome (ECM infos+), just like in Gemini2 v3.x images. Now newskin shows "Free-to-air" and tuner type and encryption type, but there could be more card info in the same place, not separate window..

  • Bug: Skin lacks infos after Enigma2 boot.

    realjobe - - General Talk


    Dear Board. I believe that this corner might be a good place to raport bugs? .) Using Newnigma2 - v2.1.3 - DM7025 image. "" skin has plenty information on infobar on the screen, like tunertype and what payTV coding is now used. Those information fields will vanish after enigma2 boot. If user restart the whole system, those fields are present.