HELP - Copmunicate with DM8000HD

    • HELP - Copmunicate with DM8000HD

      I need help or know someone who knows how to communicate with
      DreamBox to send a new image from a PC.
      My DreamBox DM8000 is one.
      My PC has installed a board Win7-X58A Gigabyte UD5 with i7 Processor
      CPU950 3.07Ghz processors and they eliminate the need for COM ports.
      Like dreamup needs a port to communicate with the DreamBox, I
      prevented me from being able to communicate with the box.
      I tried to install on a PC Virtual Port: USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP)
      driver, but failed.
      Not even the installation of an extra card with the doors of communication resulted
      Win7 will not install because the COM.
      It is here that need help: how to send the Image for DM8000 (in this case

      Now thanks to whoever is interested.
    • RE: HELP - Copmunicate with DM8000HD

      it's much easier when you send the image with your browser to the box.
      Have a look to your LAN and check the communication between the box and win7 client.
      If that is ok then you are well prepared to send the image to the box.
      Shut down the box with the main switch at the back of the box.
      Press the lower button in front of the box and power the receiver on.
      Now the box will receive a IP from your router.
      Paste the given IP into your browser and you reach the WEBIF of the box.
      The further steps are self explained.

      best regards
