I can't connect to Webinterface

    • I can't connect to Webinterface

      I have DM800 with 3.1.5 image. I have clear instalation but I can't connect to webinterface (http or https). When I tried, browser didn't connect to DM. FTP is OK, ping is OK.
      I tried another browser and computer too.
      I remove webinterface plugin and install it later. The same problem.
      Where can I check if access is enabled? Some startup section or config file.
      At configuration over TV I have enabled webinterface and HTTP access.

      When I have older version 3.1.4 of image, webinterface was OK.
    • RE: I can't connect to Webinterface


      have a look at:
      Menue->Extentions->WEB Interface

      allow https access yes
      allow http acces (only yes, if your box is not connected to internet, like access via dyndns, otherwise no)

      In your browser (PC) try:
      <IP of your box>:443

      If that won't work, try:
      cmd console on your PC an enter:
      telnet <IP of your box> 443

      If you get an error message your web-Interface has a problem, or your firewall is blocking the traffic. If you get no erreor message (and nothing at all) everything is fine with your web-interface.

      Please have a look (sorry, in german) at:
      Auf dem PC gucken

      If your problem still remains, please try the following on your box:
      root@dm8000:~#cd /tmp
      root@dm8000:~#netstat -a |more > netstat.txt

      Please attach netstat.txt to your answer.

      Dreambox 8000SSCC
      NETGEAR ReadyNAS Duo
      Logitec Harmony One
    • RE: I can't connect to Webinterface

      I tried reinstall image, but I have the same problem.

      I check setting of webinterface. Webif is enabled, box I restarted.

      I tried from computer test ports with nmap -p 21,22,80,443,16001

      c:\Program Files\Internet\nmap-5.21>nmap -p 21,22,80,443,16001
      WARNING: Could not import all necessary WinPcap functions. You may need t
      ade to version 3.1 or higher from winpcap.org. Resorting to co
      ) mode -- Nmap may not function completely

      Starting Nmap 5.21 ( nmap.org ) at 2011-02-24 20:56
      Nmap scan report for
      Host is up (0.76s latency).
      21/tcp open ftp
      22/tcp open ssh
      80/tcp closed http
      443/tcp closed https

      16001/tcp open unknown

      I have DM 600 PVR too.
      When I test Webif of DM600 from my internet browser it is OK.
      When I test CCcam info pages of DM800 with newnigma it is OK. = My web browser is working

      I connected to telnet and download. You can see at attachments. I don't see any service on port 80 or 443.

      How can I start service webinterface manualy?
      How can I check if webserver (apache?) is running?

      Do you have any idea?
      • netstat.txt

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    • RE: I can't connect to Webinterface

      netstat -a gives no hint, that webif is running. No listenings on port 80 or 443.
      I would try to deinstall webif via GUI reboot enigma2 and than reinstall webif via GUI again.

      >> How can I start service webinterface manualy?
      Menue->Enhancements->Webinterface start WEB Interface yes
      Dreambox 8000SSCC
      NETGEAR ReadyNAS Duo
      Logitec Harmony One

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