Problem mit Samba und Umlauten

    • Problem mit Samba und Umlauten

      Hi Leute,

      ich hab auf meiner DM800SE den Samba Server laufen und hab festgestellt, dass Dateien / Verzeichnisse die Umlaute enthalten nicht korrekt dargestellt werden. Hab dann folgende Parameter in der smb.conf ergnänzt

      character set = ISO8859-15
      client code page = 850

      Allerdings funkts trotzdem nicht, folgender Eintrag in der Logdatei:

      [2011/04/10 15:44:14.889046, 0] param/loadparm.c:7588(lp_do_parameter)
      Ignoring unknown parameter "character set"
      [2011/04/10 15:44:14.889665, 1] param/loadparm.c:6494(map_parameter)
      Unknown parameter encountered: "client code page"

      Hat jemand eine Idee?

    • Bei mir passt alles mit den Umlauten in der Dreambox sleber, also Aufnahmen werden richtig angezeigt etc. Leider sind die Dateinamen immer mit Sonderzeichen statt Umlauten auf meinem NAS Server. Hier das Samba.log:

      [2011/04/15 21:51:08.519836, 0] printing/pcap.c:178(pcap_cache_reload)
      Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!
      [2011/04/15 21:51:08.520086, 0] printing/pcap.c:178(pcap_cache_reload)
      Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!
      [2011/04/15 21:51:08.987396, 0] printing/pcap.c:178(pcap_cache_reload)
      Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!
      [2011/04/15 21:51:08.987671, 0] printing/pcap.c:178(pcap_cache_reload)
      Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!
      [2011/04/15 21:51:08.991965, 0] lib/pidfile.c:121(pidfile_create)
      ERROR: smbd is already running. File /var/run/ exists and process id 591 is running.
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.100813, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 1 (min password length), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.101214, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 2 (password history), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.101472, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 3 (user must logon to change password), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.102000, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 4 (maximum password age), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.102320, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 5 (minimum password age), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.102583, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 6 (lockout duration), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.102884, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 7 (reset count minutes), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.103151, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 8 (bad lockout attempt), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.103399, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 9 (disconnect time), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:51:09.103668, 1] lib/account_pol.c:325(account_policy_get)
      account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for type 10 (refuse machine password change), returning 0
      [2011/04/15 21:54:22.508380, 1] param/loadparm.c:6494(map_parameter)
      Unknown parameter encountered: "client code page"
      [2011/04/15 21:54:22.508811, 0] param/loadparm.c:7588(lp_do_parameter)
      Ignoring unknown parameter "client code page"
      [2011/04/15 21:54:22.509397, 1] param/loadparm.c:6494(map_parameter)
      Unknown parameter encountered: "character set"
      [2011/04/15 21:54:22.509529, 0] param/loadparm.c:7588(lp_do_parameter)
      Ignoring unknown parameter "character set"
      [2011/04/15 21:54:22.514782, 0] printing/pcap.c:178(pcap_cache_reload)
      Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!
      [2011/04/15 21:54:22.514972, 0] printing/pcap.c:178(pcap_cache_reload)
      Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!

      Und hier die SMB.conf:

      # automatically generated by smb.conf Plugin
      # do NOT change manually!

      load printers = no
      guest account = root
      log file = /tmp/smb.log
      security = share
      server string = Dreambox
      workgroup = Workgroup
      netbios name = Dreambox
      client code page = 850
      character set = iso8859-15
      case sensitive = no
      preserve case = no
      short preserve case = no
      encrypt passwords = no

      comment = Configuration files - take care!
      path = /var
      read only = no
      public = yes
      guest ok = yes

      comment = The harddisk
      path = /hdd
      read only = no
      public = no
      guest ok = yes

      Was läuft da schief? Danke.
      Sat Anlage mit 1x Dream 900 UHD, 3x Dream 800SE, HD+ (weiss) / Sky V14 mit CI+ Sky Modul, Synology DS1511+ NAS

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Pino72 ()