Subtitle Dowanloader

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    • Subtitle Dowanloader


      Let me inform You that I've finished first version of plugin that downloads movie subtitles (based on movie hash sum) from suitable subtitle servers.

      You can download program from:

      Current version features:
      -basic file browser,
      - Open Subtitle and Napi Projekt servers handling,

      Final plugin description is placed in TODO.

      Because this is my first program which will be used by big amount of users please let me know about errors. I'll try to eliminate them ASAP.

      In few days I'll add plugin full manual in project's wiki.
    • Originally posted by bego
      Was is das ? I can't download subtitle for this kind of media !!! Dm800se, Newenigma2.

      If You try to download subtitle to: picture, text, audio file it's comunicate that it's not possible.


      Yesterday I attached latest plugin version on GOOGLE CODE.

      I removed error which caused problems with missing modules.

      I tested plugin on 4 different images (details on project main page), and it works.

      Have a fun with it.
    • Any details?

      What is info what don't run: installation, info about missing module, plugin don't download subtitles (screen-shot would be also helpful)?

      I've got DM8000 and yesterdai i checkt it plugin on:
      iCVS (without GP3) - worked
      iCVS(with GP3) - worked
      Newnigma 3.2.1 - worked.

      Today I'll upgrade 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 and chceck it if it works on DM8k.
    • On which kind of media do You press TEXT.

      If it's on audop file (mp3. wav), text file, pictures or directory You'll see this message. This is some kind protection for not to download subs for some "stupid" files.

      If You choose mevie file (i.e. avi, mkv) and press TEXT the plugin will download subs (for Napi Projekt) or subs list (for Open Subtile).

      All information are describen in WIKI.
    • Hello,

      I've just released next plugin version.

      What is new?

      ver. 0.12.6:
      - enable/disable media pastern filter,
      - enable/disable last FileList path save,
      - left/right key = page up/down both in FileList and SubsList,
      - extended MMI (communication errors and other are described as MessageBox)
    • Hi,

      After some break I've just released next plugin version.

      What is new:

      ver 0.13.3:
      - corrected handling of media pattern filter = "no" error in def return_media_kind() function,
      - implemented utf-8-sig file code page conversion (subtitle conversion is little faster),
      - possibility to add/remove Subs Downloader execution from Blue Panel menu,
      - any2srt conversion less sensitive on MLP2, TMP, MDVD, SUB2 subtitle errors.

      You can download plugin from project site.

      I want to implement MOV handling but I can't find a way to get FPS from this kind of files.
      If someone knows how to do it (or know here it's placed in file structure) please give me advice via project email.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von silelis ()

    • Hi,

      I released new plugin version (available on project Google Code page).

      What is new:
      ver 0.16.2:
      - two different Subs Dowanloader avaliable:
      Subs Downloader (without libmediainfo) - support for RIFF and MKV videofiles)
      after upgrade ( installation) Subs Downloader (with libmediainfo) (support for any movies),
      - mov, mp4 and any other supported by Enigma2 movies Frame Per Second indicator detection avaliable,
      - config menu display fix.

      Now plugin is available in 2 modes:
      - Basic is without libmediainfo support and in this mode it supports RIFF and MKV video file
      -alter libmediainfo and libzen installation (You can download it from project site) SubsDownloader prapobly supports any played by Enigma2 video file.
    • Does it work for .TS-recorded movies too?

      Originally posted by silelis

      -alter libmediainfo and libzen installation (You can download it from project site) SubsDownloader prapobly supports any played by Enigma2 video file.

      Hi, this is a very interesting project and I ( + maybe many other members) appriciate your Idea and hard work you've done.

      However I still can not understand the purpose of this plugin:

      Usually , if I've got a movie file (.avi, .mkv or what ever), I allways could manage to find the corresponding Subtitle file (.srt, .sub, or .txt) on the internet and put it on the same dirctory where my movie.xx stays and my DM 800 PVR HD has played this movie with this subtitle. Whay should I budder my DM 800 to do this complicated work.

      How ever , this is not my point.

      My problem and consecquently my questions to you or any body who made it to use this plugin, are:

      1. Can this Plug-in handle the .TS-files which we usually downlload from the TV cannels, such as Sky Premiere, Sky drama etc.
      2. If yes, are those subtitles syncron with the movie.ts files (usually the TV cannels do not provide exact time markers, so I coudn't make it till now to syncronize any SUB - file with my movie.ts recorded from TV cannel.
      3. If yes, how can we make our lovery Dreammedia (in my case DM800 +NN2, 3.2.2) to play a recorded movie.ts with external subtitles?

      good day to you and every body
    • RE: Does it work for .TS-recorded movies too?

      Originally posted by nicolrNN2
      My problem and consequently my questions to you or any body who made it to use this plugin, are:

      1. Can this Plug-in handle the .TS-files which we usually download from the TV cannels, such as Sky Premiere, Sky drama etc.
      2. If yes, are those subtitles syncron with the movie.ts files (usually the TV cannels do not provide exact time markers, so I coudn't make it till now to syncronize any SUB - file with my movie.ts recorded from TV cannel.
      3. If yes, how can we make our lovery Dreammedia (in my case DM800 +NN2, 3.2.2) to play a recorded movie.ts with external subtitles?

      good day to you and every body

      First of all why I decided to write this plugin:
      For me downloading subtitles via PC and www and handle conversion was wast of time (the precursor was DMNapi plugin by Areq but it supports only polish servers and requires external filebrowser plugin).

      Now answers on Your questions:
      1) Subs Downloader (with libmediainfo) supports *.ts files (reads required data which are required to subs to srt convertion).

      2) OpenSubtitles and NapiProjekt returns subtitles as a respond on request which consists file HASH chcecksum it means that if someone before Your request feeded this servers with corresponding (to Your *.ts file) subtitles You will receive subtitles.
      Some subtitle servers support requests by file name (sometimes by IMDB file name) but at the moment I've got leak of time and problem with Enigma2 device availability so I can't focus on this functionality. (key functions are: delete, copy, move, rename and plugin autoupdate and auto libs installation).

      3) You can browse Your *.ts file via Subs Downloader (as I remember default path is /hdd/media,) execute it with "OK" button and display subtitles with "yellow" button.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von silelis ()

    • Hello,

      Let me inform You that I've released next plugin version.

      What's new:

      SubsDownloader v0.17.9
      - long TXT key makes local subtitle convertion,
      - HELP key display plugin about, - INFO key display file/dir info,
      - mod and 3gp movie file support added,
      - changed FileList widget class from FileList to DreamExploereII myFileList (long file names are displied correctly),
      - fixed closing Subs Downloader during playing movie bug,
      - fixed corrupted subtitle file chars reading,
      - fixed error subtitle_codepage detection when server returns no subtitle.

      As always plugin is available on Google Code project site.

      Have a fun.
    • There were myFileList bug so pepole who haven't use DreamExplorerII have this error.

      I had fixed it and I have added few more things:

      ver 0.19.1:
      - YELLOW button in Configuration Menu downloads and install libmediainfo,
      - fixed bug in myFileList,
      - fixes in localConvertionSublist works better

      Plugin as always is avaliable at Google Code website.

      Have a fun.
    • Hi All,

      I've just released next one version.

      What is new:

      - plugin autoupdate - if new plugin version is released user will be informed and will have possibitity to install it directly from TV screen,
      - support for Napisy24 subtitle server
      - corrections in chardetOutputTranslation function,
      - some correction in IPK file.

      Full plugin list of features:

      - support for Open Subtile server,
      - support for Napisy24 server,
      - support for Napi Projekt server,
      - local subtitle convertion to SRT,
      - supported input subtitle formats: MLP2, TMP, MDVD, SUB2, SRT,
      - Subtitle Downloader light and extended version avaliable (extended ver. supports libMediaInfo comprehensive library for detecting movie informations),
      - libMediaInfo and libzen auto installation on user request,
      - autoupdate,
      - play movie and audio, show picture,
      - basic file browser,
      - diplay file size,
      - enable/disable file browser media pastern filter,
      - enable/disable file browser last path save.

      You can download program from:
    • Hi All,

      Yesterday I released new plugin.

      What is new:

      - BierDopje subtitle server support (regards to Philips Drachten gives Dawid from Biazet ;-]),
      - plugin skin generator more flexible,
      - server logo display method more flexible,
      - 3rd subtitle language added,
      - fixes in module impoert so requires less memory,
      - added support for XBMC Subtitles.

      Request to Dutchman users. Because I don't know Dutch please report to me all plugin errors connected with Subtitle Downloader and BierDopje which wasn't detected by me.

      Full plugin list of features:

      - support for Open Subtile server,
      - support for Bier Dopje server,
      - support for Napisy24 server,
      - support for Napi Projekt server,
      - local subtitle convertion to SRT,
      - supported input subtitle formats: MLP2, TMP, MDVD, SUB2, SRT,
      - Subtitle Downloader light and extended version avaliable (extended ver. supports libMediaInfo comprehensive library for detecting movie informations),
      - libMediaInfo and libzen auto installation on user request,
      - autoupdate,
      - play movie and audio, show picture,
      - basic file browser,
      - diplay file size,
      - enable/disable file browser media pastern filter,
      - enable/disable file browser last path save.

      You can download program from:

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von silelis ()

    • Hi All,

      Todays version with small IPK CONTROL fiexes.

      What is new:

      - some correction in IPK so it should work on OpenPLI and other CVS,
      - and deleted from plugin to Python libs.

      Full plugin list of features:

      - support for Open Subtile server,
      - support for Bier Dopje server,
      - support for Napisy24 server,
      - support for Napi Projekt server,
      - local subtitle convertion to SRT,
      - supported input subtitle formats: MLP2, TMP, MDVD, SUB2, SRT,
      - Subtitle Downloader light and extended version avaliable (extended ver. supports libMediaInfo comprehensive library for detecting movie informations),
      - libMediaInfo and libzen auto installation on user request,
      - autoupdate,
      - play movie and audio, show picture,
      - basic file browser,
      - diplay file size,
      - enable/disable file browser media pastern filter,
      - enable/disable file browser last path save.

      You can download program from: