EPG not working correctly

    • EPG not working correctly

      I'm new to newnigma2 3.2.2 on my dm8000 and I like it very much.
      I only have a problem left that is quite annoying, and it's about EPG data.
      I used to use CrossEPG to download both from the net that from the sat the EPG data I needed once a day. The EPG was refreshed automatically by the plugin and every day I simply had everything there. So I tought not to change this and I got and installed CrossEPG from its official website, build 300 for mipsel, with opkg. Allright here, rebooted enigma2, and it runs.
      What I now miss is how to make CrossEPG import data in the newnigma2 epg system. Its option to do it just launches and closes immediately and epg is NOT loaded in the system. I see it's loaded if I completely reboot enigma2 but it's quite annoying having to do it all the times/days, I absolutely didn't need this before, why should I do it now? I see newnigma2 has an EPG cache file somewhere I can set by options. Do I need it to be exactly the epg.dat or ext.epg.dat file from CrossEPG to have it loaded as usual? Is it something like using a symlink or changing the settings?

      Please enlighten me on this obscure fact.
      Thanks and...keep up the great work :]

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von cmatte ()

    • Mmh really? I just got some other info looking deeper into the board and I would like to share and understand something more.
      The epg.dat file location is indicated in /etc/enigma2/settings and that's what the Newnigma2 services menu option can change. I also see it is created but somehow not maintained. I mean, if I set it from the options of newnigma2 menu it appears there in /media/usb/epg.dat. If I let CrossEPG do its duties, it writes it there too (in fact I see in the script it searches its location just in the right place: settings file). But then at some time that file just disappears unexpectedly (right now it is not there anymore for example!). But it can both be there or not and the loaded EPG data on the GUI just is always there.
      I can't actually understand how/what the gui loads if it's not that file!?

      I also see there's a way to make things work without having to manually reboot gui in the morning/ first switching on of the day. In fact there's an option in CrossEPG's configuration menu that says "reboot machine when a scheduled epg load runs". And it works because this night for the scheduled run it just did it all. It reloaded enigma2 gui only, and it's ok. The only matter is the box stays switched on. I even had found a plugin that actually just puts the box on standby after a reboot, and I verified it works. But it doesn't work on enigma2 only reboots because my box remained switched on all night after the scheduled task.

      Well, I just would like to 1. understand and 2. have a working epg as I used to have. So, at this time a simple thing would be enough to have everything working great. I could just write a cronjob that switches the machine to the standby state at some time the work is expected to be done. Is there some other way?

      I don't understand the simplicity of saying CrossEPG is not working because it is, even if with some limits as explained. And at this time I am not so able to understand if the data it loads is used because after the first load & manual reboot the epg was already there for a week as expected, and it always stayed there.
      I just would like to understand if there's a simpler way to let newnigma2 gui load the file instantly without boring reboots and so on.
      I think the point could be the system is developed to load the epg.dat file in ram every other 1/2/3/4/5? hours. And then delete the file. Am I right? If this is the way it works I can avoid all the annoyances of reboots and so on. And it would be perfectly great if someone explains the mechanism instead of simplifying that much :)


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von cmatte ()

    • I casually found something interesting in a crashlog:


      1. [EPGC] abort non avail schedule reading
      2. [EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading
      3. [EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading
      4. [EPGC] abort non avail mhw reading
      5. [EPGC] nownext finished(1457613262)
      6. [EPGC] stop caching events(1457613262)
      7. [EPGC] next update in 60 min

      So...this could mean it updates it every 60minutes.
      In the meantime I found a solution that anyway, works. I explain for those who are interested.
      CrossEPG IS working. You can simply let it do a daily reading at night (let's say 4:00) and you can AVOID setting any reboots from within its menu.
      Then install EMC Enhanched Media Center package name "enigma2-plugin-extensions-enhancedmoviecenter". It has a function in the configuration (under plugins) that lets you set a window of time to have a daily reboot of enigma2. Just set it to something more than the CrossEPG's daily work, say 5:00 to 8:00, and set to yes the option to make the box go to standby right after that reboot.
      This morning everything was there and working, I verified the epg was present for one day more than yesterday :]

      But I still think we could completely avoid restarting enigma2 if someone confirms the cache is re-read every other hour? like written in that crashlog..........
    • Still having problems with epg + reboots + everything, like tried to explain here (it's not really en epg problem, just a reboot one) Problems with standby: box tunes while it should not .
      Could someone simply tell me how to use crossepg with this image?
      The support here is quite disappointing, it's a shame because the image rocks.
      I mean, what the hell, I can't really understand how you all use an image without epg, so it's so strange not to get answers for months from an entire community.... :(
    • It's by no way a CrossEPG problem in my point of view. It works as it should!!! It runs when set, saves its epg.dat where set and so on. It's newnigma2 enigma2 that does not load that dat...and one time I though the reboot enigma2 solution was working but not now because I find the device tuning all night long even if into standby.
      How to set an enigma2 reboot? Cron could be a way. How to make it NOT tune at restart, just go to standby? The enigma2 reboot always made it load CrossEPG data, that's why I am speaking about it. If there another way, glad to hear it...
    • About CrossEPG ENIGMA2 patch v2

      * The patch add an API crossepgImportEPG(string dbroot) visible on python side.
      * The fix on sectionRead is the same used from oudeis patch and i think is deeply tested.
      * I used oudeis patch as an example to make my patch working... so to oudeis his credits :)

      crossepg requires some patches - and we does not modify or patch anything

      Please read : Newnigma2 images & the official Enigma2 CVS code
    • That's clearer now.
      CrossEPG needs a patch to enigma2 to be able to make it load its dat, so?
      And that patch is done sometimes yes sometimes not on available images, didn't know it. Actually I tried to do a search on google and found various threads here and release notes of older versions of newnigma2 that say it included this patch. You now tell me it's not included anymore, got it.
      Is a fact that the base enigma2 will load the epg.dat at reboot?
      I see you've done a patch where in newnigma2 services we can change where the dat is saved. Never seen it elsewhere, don't think it was included in enigma2. So I am asking, why not include this wanted patch? I also found many recent threads here of people asking how to use CrossEPG and sometimes one of the team says oh, it works perfectly, just install it(?!) and sometimes the answer is yours. I can't find that thread right now but I'd say that's quite confusing.

      Anyway, don't want to be critic, well, I think that patch should be there and I'm sure it's not a secret at this time, but I understand and respect your work so it's ok, let's just try to solve the problem with reboots if them work, why not?!
      How could I set enigma2 to reboot and go to standby at a certain time? I can do a killall enigma2 with crond for example, but I think it would not go to standby :) How to do it, so? Write a script which calls webinterface till is has a n/a service and box is in standby? It's a bit higher than my level to be sincere :) A simpler way?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von cmatte ()

    • I see you've done a patch where in newnigma2 services we can change where the dat is saved. Never seen it elsewhere, don't think it was included in enigma2.

      that's no patch , it's a E2 feature
    • Ok, got it.
      So, how to automatically reboot enigma2 and send box to standby in the simplest way :) ?
      Will try to make a script, got an idea.
      I'm working on a bash script, will open another thread as this one seems 100% unreliable right now ;)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von cmatte ()