DM7025 need help flashing newnigma2 image

    • DM7025 need help flashing newnigma2 image


      I have a dreambox 7025, and I wan't to use the newnigma2 image.

      I tried the following:

      Downloaded image from this site, upgraded bootloader to v83, flashed image from webinterface, configured language and not much more, shutdown box, installed 4GB CF card, From newnigma2 menu -> copied image to CF card.

      BUT somewhere along the way something goes wrong :o)

      It seems unstable, and I'm pretty sure the image isn't running from the CF card.

      I read a guide somewhere telling that there should be a setting somewhere in the menu, where I was suppose to set "Boot from CF card" to on. But i can't find that option.

      Can someone please help me with a guide on how to install it correctly. I desperately need it to work soon, and I use the newnigma2 image with great satisfaction on my dm800hd.

      Best regards/Mit freundlichen grüßen
