tuner failed

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    • Hi,

      I have a diseq 1.0 with the following configuration:

      LNB1 - motor dish

      LNB2 - dish

      LNB3 - dish

      LNB4 - dish

      After some time of working the dm800 i have the message "tuner failed", i tried everything but nothing. With the new newnigma image can this problem be solved?

      What your suggestion?

    • It could be a heating Problem.
      Did you have a HDD insert into the Box ?
      How warm will be the Box in the Area of the Tuner ?
      T90 mit 4x Quad-LNB´s
      19°,13°,23°,1° mit 17/4 Multischalter
      1x 8000ss,1GB Stick,500GB,Newnigma²
      1x 800s,1Gb Stick,Newnigma²
      1x 7000s,1Gb Stick,250GB,Gemini 4.40
      1x 7000s,512mb Stick,120GB,Gemini 4.40
      Im Support:
      3x 7000s,1Gb Stick,80GB,Gemini 4.10
    • The last time that happened to me was yesterday. The box were in standby mode, the fan was on, and when i turned on, no channels. I had until today nabilo image. I will put newnigma. Also, my diseq is from de mark triax 1.0. Maybe the diseq is not good. Any suggestions?

    • I only use Newnigma² on my 800´er.
      When after installing Newnigma on your box still the same Problem exist , than you have to look to your kabels and try to connect the DM800 directly to the dish
      T90 mit 4x Quad-LNB´s
      19°,13°,23°,1° mit 17/4 Multischalter
      1x 8000ss,1GB Stick,500GB,Newnigma²
      1x 800s,1Gb Stick,Newnigma²
      1x 7000s,1Gb Stick,250GB,Gemini 4.40
      1x 7000s,512mb Stick,120GB,Gemini 4.40
      Im Support:
      3x 7000s,1Gb Stick,80GB,Gemini 4.10
    • Just another idea than connecting the box directly to the dish. Actually I had similar problems (not tuning fails but less signal qualitaty).

      To overcome this I added an attenuation element (controllable from 0 upto 20dB) between DiseqC Switch and DM800 and reduced the input level. Overall my quality (SNR) increased about 2.5 dB.

      Due to the attenuation element costs less than 5 Euro it is worth to try out.

      Just an example: eg-sat.net/product_info.php/in…pfungsregler-0-20-dB.html

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Ulster94 ()