Why no updates on SoftwareUpdate, Never?

    • Why no updates on SoftwareUpdate, Never?


      i love this image, iv been using for months, im currently using the latest 2.2.

      The question is, from time to time some CVS update come out, with fixes, and never i saw an update on softwareupdate with NewNigma2 image, why ?

      There are some problems with this latest image, with DVBS2 channels that at start dont show image, the same problem happen in all other imagens, but example, Gemini today has new updates on software update and its the new CVS with the fixes to knowed problems.

      Hope to see more online activity with this cool image, i really like, but i dont think i will wait 1 month to next image update with corrections, and go back to basic gemini :(

      Thanks for all that read this. Great work team