basic and useful collection of telnet commands?

    • basic and useful collection of telnet commands?


      Sorry, if this request is unreasonable and has no relevance to this thread.

      But because I do not know much about telnet and its useful command, that this request would be.

      Do you have put me a basic and useful collection of commands that are executed in Enigma2 that mainly be used for all Enigma2 tasks and activities , in a text file?

      The most useful and helpful telnet commands that each user use them for different purposes as the following examples :

      "opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-PLUGINNAME" for removing plugin or "opkg list | grep tooth" for listing the necessary driver and kernel module for bluetooth plugin and so on ...

      without fail, you have a set of an important commands that you are commonly use them everyday in the form of a text file. I mean them.
    • check this: Telnet und die wichtigsten Befehle (telnet and most important commands)'s in german indeed, but you can search the keywords in google for english description...
      "Wer ins Wasser sieht, sieht den Himmel auf Erden"

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von djmastera2000 ()