
    • Cronmanager?

      Is there a Cronmanager plugin for the latest Newnigma 4.0.2 image? I used to use the reboot option in the crossepg configuration to reboot my genuine Dreambox 8000. But it doesn't seem to be available in OE 2.0 images.
      Thanx for any help given.
    • Cronmanager 2.3 for OE2.0
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • which error ?

      works perfect:


      1. Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-cronmanager (2.3) to flash...
      2. Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-cronmanager.
      3. stopping Busybox Periodic Command Scheduler: crond...
      4. no crond found; none killed
      5. starting Busybox Periodic Command Scheduler: crond...
      6. done.
      7. You should restart enigma2 to get Cronmanager into Plugin List
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • Hi friend, i have install a crond manager plugin, the istall is ok but, if i add a crod line not write in crond daemon.
      I have created the crontab file with crontab -e but not lunch the scripts i have insert in this file.
      Tha crontab daemon is runnig.
      I want reboot every day a dreambox.

      Thanks for help me.
    • Why using the crondmanager plugin? The preinstalled DMM busybox-cron works well and is not buggy anymore as in OE1.6 Images.

      crontab -e will edit /etc/cron/crontabs/root (busybox-cron standard), maybe the plugin has defined his own crontab path, then "crontab -e" will not work. Try crontab -e -c </path/to/plugin/crontabfile>, if this option is available. Maybe the crondmanager uses its own crontab binary ...

      how to use busy-box cron
      crontab -e|-l|-r|-c
      /etc/init.d/busybox-cron start|stop|restart|reload

      online on the newnigma2 feed you will find (vixie-)cron, which works as well as busybox-cron ...

      As tested, the GUI of the crondmanager Plugin didn't make me happy
    • Fred Bogus Trumper schrieb:

      Why using the crondmanager plugin? The preinstalled DMM busybox-cron works well and is not buggy anymore as in OE1.6 Images.

      crontab -e will edit /etc/cron/crontabs/root (busybox-cron standard), maybe the plugin has defined his own crontab path, then "crontab -e" will not work. Try crontab -e -c </path/to/plugin/crontabfile>, if this option is available. Maybe the crondmanager uses its own crontab binary ...

      how to use busy-box cron
      crontab -e|-l|-r|-c
      /etc/init.d/busybox-cron start|stop|restart|reload

      online on the newnigma2 feed you will find (vixie-)cron, which works as well as busybox-cron ...

      As tested, the GUI of the crondmanager Plugin didn't make me happy

      Thanks for your help but i have a question for you:
      if i digit ps -e i don's see the crond daemon but only cron daemon.
      if i digit /etc/init.d/busybox-cron start the crond daemon staran when i reboot the dreambox the crond daemon not running. Hove to is possible make running the crond daemon before restart?
      Thanks ad sorry for my english.
    • Which Image(version) is installed? NN² v4.0.5?

      I testet busybox-cron on my DM7020HD with NN² v4.0.5y yet. You're right that the crond daemon is not running after reboot, it have to be started manually. In further versions it worked. There must be a "new" bug in busybox-cron in OE2.0. It seems, that busybox-cron is not added to systemstart. Maybe the NN² Team has "deactivated" busybox-cron on systemstart, because there is vixie-cron on the feed, but I'm not shure!

      Try this to fix:
      update-rc.d busybox-cron defaults

      and start busybox-cron manually
      /etc/init.d/busybox-cron start

      after reboot crond should start automaticly now


      1. root@dm7020hd:~# ps x | grep -v grep | grep cron
      2. 542 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/crond -c /etc/cron/crontabs
      3. root@dm7020hd:~#

      2nd solution:

      delete all (busybox-cron) crontabs and stop busybox-cron
      crontab -r
      /etc/init.d/busybox-cron stop

      and install cron from the online feed
      opkg update
      opkg install cron

      and reconfigure your crontabs and restart cron manually the first time:
      /etc/init.d/cron stop
      /etc/init.d/cron start

      vixie-cron should work "out of the box" after reboot

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • Thanks friend, i use NN 4.0.5. Now the daemon crond is running. I have another question for you: what's the cron daemon?

      root@dm800se:~# ps x | grep -v grep | grep cron
      550 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/crond -c /etc/cron/crontabs
      584 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron

    • It seems, that you didn't stopped busybox-cron before installing vixie-cron as I told you

      /usr/sbin/crond -c /etc/cron/crontabs -->> busybox-cron
      /usr/sbin/cron -->> vixie-cron

      stop busybox-cron and after next reboot only the vixie-cron deamon should run. busybox-cron is without function now, becouse cron has been overwritten /usr/sbin/crond. The init.d startscript of busybox-cron is not working any longer.
      If you fixed busybox-cron autostart before, it's better to deactivate

      only cron should found


      1. root@dm7020hd:~# ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*cron*
      2. /etc/rc0.d/K20busybox-cron
      3. /etc/rc0.d/K65cron
      4. /etc/rc1.d/K20busybox-cron
      5. /etc/rc1.d/K65cron
      6. /etc/rc2.d/S20busybox-cron
      7. /etc/rc2.d/S65cron
      8. /etc/rc3.d/S20busybox-cron
      9. /etc/rc3.d/S65cron
      10. /etc/rc4.d/S20busybox-cron
      11. /etc/rc4.d/S65cron
      12. /etc/rc5.d/S20busybox-cron
      13. /etc/rc5.d/S65cron
      14. /etc/rc6.d/K20busybox-cron
      15. /etc/rc6.d/K65cron
      16. root@dm7020hd:~#
      Alles anzeigen

      if not, remove like this:
      update-rc.d -f busybox-cron remove


      1. root@dm7020hd:~# ls -1 /etc/rc?.d/*cron*
      2. /etc/rc0.d/K65cron
      3. /etc/rc1.d/K65cron
      4. /etc/rc2.d/S65cron
      5. /etc/rc3.d/S65cron
      6. /etc/rc4.d/S65cron
      7. /etc/rc5.d/S65cron
      8. /etc/rc6.d/K65cron
      9. root@dm7020hd:~#

      now only cron should run after next reboot. And note, that vixie-cron doesn't use the same crontab file as busybox-cron. Maybe you have to add your crontabs once again. check with crontab -l

      Sorry, if my instruction was not clear - but I did my best ;)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • Hi friend, i have make the second solution
      2nd solution:
      delete all (busybox-cron) crontabs and stop busybox-cron
      crontab -r
      /etc/init.d/busybox-cron stop
      and install cron from the online feed
      opkg update
      opkg install cron
      and reconfigure your crontabs and restart cron manually the first time:
      /etc/init.d/cron stop
      /etc/init.d/cron start

      insert i crontab this istuction
      root@dm800se:~# crontab -l
      # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
      # (/tmp/crontab.20076 installed on Sat Nov 2 11:51:42 2013)
      # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
      0 5 * * * /var/script/reboot
      0 12 * * * /var/script/CCcam2.0.11-oscam-rc1.10.emu

      but not lunch the script

    • vixie-cronn works for 100%, I use it all day

      did you start vixie-cron or reboot the box?

      The folder /var/script does not exist in Newnigma2. Did you created /var/script or created a symlink to /usr/script where the scripts should be?

      add this crontab to test cron


      1. */1 * * * * /bin/echo $(date) > /tmp/crontest

      and restart cron

      /etc/init.d/cron stop
      /etc/init.d/cron start

      every minute cron writes the date and time to /tmp/crontest, if this work, your scripts are buggy

      for debugging
      cat /var/log/messages| grep cron