How to get bigger picons in channellist (100x60)

    • How to get bigger picons in channellist (100x60)

      I've always had bigger picons in my channellist with newnigma v 4.0.2. I stored my picons with size 100x60 into usr/share/enigma2/picons and selected the path under channel selection. It doesn't work no longer under the latest versions. Still i don't want to use older version and want to stay updated. I know about the PiconSlist folder and the small picons for the channellist. In my opinion it's too small. Can someone tell how to use bigger picons in the channellist with a 100x60 size?
    • use a skin, that uses 100x60 picons, and download them from the feed...

      where is the problem ?
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


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