Wishes for the upcoming Newnigma² images

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    • Switch off toslink (optical) output in standby


      it's great to have the option to deactivate the optical audio output in standby mode.
      my a/v receiver as well as my second digital sound system is controlled by active audio links. and if the dreambox is still sending optical signals in standby my receiver as well as my digital sound system don't go to standby either. an other problem is, that optical links has higher priority than the others.

      is this feasible by updating drivers or much easier by scripting?

      kind regards,
    • Freue mich schon auf das NN 3.0.2.
      Aufgefallen ist mir, dass die Picons nach einem Reboot nicht mehr sichtbar waren. "Aktivieren" konnte man sie erst wieder durch blau/NN2-Services/Systemeinstellungen und 2x ins Expertmenue.
      Vielleicht kann man das für kommende Images korrigieren.

      gruß redskyfox
    • epg blacklist to disable mhw epg on selected channels.
      MHWepg overwrites epg data for curent event. I prefer descriptions from rytec and it is annoying when epg is changing by zapping channels.
      or possibility to disable MHWepg at all.
    • Hello and thanks for the great job. :)

      For the future, maybe it would be possible to add a separate plugin or a separate item somewhere in the menu, which would display the information on all CAID's and all Idents for a given channel. For example, Eurosport on Hot Bird:

      0100 - 000068
      0500 - 022A00
      0500 - 022F00
      0500 - 024F00
      0500 - 030100
      0500 - 032A00
      0500 - 041F00
      0604 - 000000
      0931 - 000000
      0B01 - 000000
      0BAA - 000000
      1803 - 000000
      1813 - 000000

      Or even in an extended form: img715.imageshack.us/img715/244/caida.png

      Thanks for considering this for the future images.

      Merry Christmas to all of you.
    • Hi,

      auch ich bin nach gefühlten 20 Jahre ;) von der 7020 auf die 800SE mit Newnigma2 umgestiegen.

      Hier meine Wünsche:

      *Ich würde es auch befürworten wenn man mit einem Tastendruck von der Senderliste zum Grafischen EPG kommmen würde.
      - I wish that the graphical EPG would come with one touch in the broadcast list

      *Ebenso komm ich nicht wenn ich eine Aufnahme anschaue ins EPG eines Senders um so nebenbei eine neue Sendung zu programmieren oder Infos anzusehen.
      - i wish i can go into the EPG of a broadcast and program or view a EPG during watching a recorded movie
    • As regards the screen when listening to the radio, would it be possible to have a mobile picture while listening to the radio instead of the stationary logo?
      Stationary objects are not good for plasma TV's.
    • Originally posted by nudziarz
      epg blacklist to disable mhw epg on selected channels.
      MHWepg overwrites epg data for curent event. I prefer descriptions from rytec and it is annoying when epg is changing by zapping channels.
      or possibility to disable MHWepg at all.

      my conclusion after some tests with other images :

      it is not a MHW data overwritting now/next event description but EIT EPG.

      I need a EPG option to disable overwritting xmltv-epg data for now/next event by EIT. so it will by fine to have EPG menu to choose source of EPG data or to disable it at all.
    • Hi,

      1- Wish make the xx channels unvisible, when locked. (like by Enigma1, unvisible the locked channels)..
      2- A shortly way to open/close the parental lock(like by Enigma1).
      3- On the channel list ;
      a) If i press the red button (all channels), i should go to the channel which i watching at the moment.. (Not to the start of the general list)
      b) If i press the yellow button, it should go to provider the watching channel..
      c) If i press the green button, it should list the HD channels seperatly.
      4- Sattelite information on the channellist..
      5- Colored LCD informations.. (800 se)
      6- In the chanellist of a bouquets, having a "back" button on top would be great.
      7- In Add Ons, prewiev before installing would be great (specially by skins section)..
      8- Language priority selection would be great.
      9- The settings button in the main menü should be on top, not down..
      10 - Would be great, if i could see all other channels with same name at the moment which i watching..
      11- Wish have to make a bouquet locked and invisable.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Ugur31 ()

    • @Ugur31
      your wishes extreamly same as mine :)
      Wishes for the upcoming Newnigma² images

      1. my+1
      2. you can use QuiqButton plugin
      3. my + and + and many +ses - ability of remove service; order by satposition+transponders; ..
      4. by use my Python patcher script you can get it
      5. funny but not interested, same as picons do not use
      6. my+1
      7. at least description more informative
      8. the correct place for that feature is closed source Enigma2 part which comes from DMM - we dont have chances :(
      i have tryed do that function from outside, but do no use it cause box becomes so freezee
      read Change AudioTrack by Language Priority and Audiopriorität
      9. when activated WrapAround two steps up is not a problem
      10. point 3.a will make life easier
      11. +1 and current methot which adds all services from selected bouquet also is wrong
      in case some services like "Explorer/Spice (5E)" can be present in two bouquets
      for daytime use in the one bouquet and for night use in another
      now if added all bouquet into blacklist this particular service cant be removed from protected services list
      # Wrong way
      1:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.dbe77.tv" ORDER BY bouquet

      the correct way is add all services which presented in selected bouquet and after user can remove some of them from the list and leave others
      have also for that case wrote my own script
      (chmod 755)


      1. #!/bin/sh
      2. # MartiniB
      3. #
      4. bqBlackList=/etc/enigma2/blacklist
      5. bUPDATED=0
      6. #cp "$bqBlackList" "$bqBlackList"_test
      7. #bqBlackList="$bqBlackList"_test
      8. #echo "">>$bqBlackList
      9. for bqFile in /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.*.tv; do
      10. dos2unix "$bqFile"
      11. bqTitle=`grep "NAME " $bqFile| sed s/.*NAME\ //| tr [A-Z] [a-z]`
      12. case "$bqTitle" in *ero*|*adult*)
      13. while read line; do
      14. case "$line" in "#SERVICE "*)
      15. strRef=${line##* }
      16. [ ! `grep $strRef $bqBlackList` ] && echo "$strRef">>$bqBlackList && bUPDATED=1
      17. esac
      18. done < $bqFile
      19. esac
      20. done
      21. [ "$bUPDATED" = "1" ] && wget -q http://localhost/web/servicelistreload?mode=0
      Alles anzeigen
      dm7080sstt; 2x dm8000sstt; dm7020s <- Diseq1x4 <- 3x Diseq1x10 <-
      1.8m 36E;28E;23E;19E;16E;13E;7E
      1.6m 42E;36E
      1.0m 10/9E;5E;1W;8W
      1.0m 15W;22W;30W
      1.1m 4/5W;12W;18W;24W
      1.1m 53E;60E
      1.0m 75E
      TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h
    • would like see mixup of plugins
      dm7080sstt; 2x dm8000sstt; dm7020s <- Diseq1x4 <- 3x Diseq1x10 <-
      1.8m 36E;28E;23E;19E;16E;13E;7E
      1.6m 42E;36E
      1.0m 10/9E;5E;1W;8W
      1.0m 15W;22W;30W
      1.1m 4/5W;12W;18W;24W
      1.1m 53E;60E
      1.0m 75E
      TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h
    • Originally posted by MartiniB
      would like see mixup of plugins

      Not gonna happen, at least not from me and given that I'm the developer of both plugins… ;)
      Especially menusort and pluginhider, I would get pluginsort and pluginhider, which in retrospect I probably should have done.

      Or are you just asking for "hide" functionality in menusort in one of the oddest ways I have seen so far?
    • @ritzMo

      firstly woud like able hide section which i never use like `VCR scart` form the main menu
      in the enigma2-plugin-extensions-menusort

      and see new option like `change order` in the enigma2-plugin-extensions-pluginhider

      dm7080sstt; 2x dm8000sstt; dm7020s <- Diseq1x4 <- 3x Diseq1x10 <-
      1.8m 36E;28E;23E;19E;16E;13E;7E
      1.6m 42E;36E
      1.0m 10/9E;5E;1W;8W
      1.0m 15W;22W;30W
      1.1m 4/5W;12W;18W;24W
      1.1m 53E;60E
      1.0m 75E
      TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h
    • I'm not going to merge PluginHider and PluginSort. PluginSort allows quick access to "hide" functionality which should be enough.

      The only problem I see with hiding menu entries is that the list already gets built from xml (one iteration), then sorted by regular weight (another iteration), then sorted by modified weight (third time's the charm :D).
      As there is no way to optimize this (unless I copy/redo the whole code) I feel a little weird about this.
      I just had an idea how to optimize this a little, as sorting is a "fast" iteration and I can abuse the sort I already do to make hiding easier, but don't know if it will work as intended and when I have time to try it out.
    • @ritzMo
      which ??.xml contans menu values list?
      maibe there i can write something like my python_patcher.sh+skin_patcher.sh

      next feature request:
      alphabetic sorting in the enigma2-plugin-extensions-scriptexcecute
      and maibe options: `start in backround`; `type/chose option`

      but that all less importand than wroten above:
      Wishes for the upcoming Newnigma² images
      dm7080sstt; 2x dm8000sstt; dm7020s <- Diseq1x4 <- 3x Diseq1x10 <-
      1.8m 36E;28E;23E;19E;16E;13E;7E
      1.6m 42E;36E
      1.0m 10/9E;5E;1W;8W
      1.0m 15W;22W;30W
      1.1m 4/5W;12W;18W;24W
      1.1m 53E;60E
      1.0m 75E
      TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h
    • kati910 schrieb: Ganz einfach selber nix im hirn aber mit fingern auf andere zeigen. :P :P

      bei dir hat die sekte scientology schon ganze arbeit geleistet! anders ist so eine reaktion nicht zu erklären. ;)

      @mifeld und Fred Bogus Trumper

      wenn ihr meine beiträge etwas weiter oben gelesen hättet, dann wüsstest ihr wie das mit dem dmm forum ist. wer dort sekten kritisiert, wie ich es getan habe, der wird dort gesperrt! was kann ein halbwegs intelligenter daraus schließen...??? hätte dmm nix mit einer sekte zu tun, würden die wohl kaum derart rabiat auf kritik an sekten reagieren. also werde ich in diesem kindergarten-sektenforum dort, mit sicherheit nix mehr schreiben! ;)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von snitzky ()