EPG and Newnigma2 - BIG Trouble

    • EPG and Newnigma2 - BIG Trouble

      i'm still using this fantastic image to my DM800 but the EPG was a nightmare.
      I've altready checked into many forums and seems that this issue was present
      to many other users...

      Package installed:


      I've tried many times to refesh the EPG data manually and in schedule way but seems don't work. Only few datas was collected and for randomic channels and al most the show in air and the next one.

      I've tried to see the ITA channels...as the old one Weekly EPG plugin.

      Someone have told to me that in this image the EPG was on RAM and not on HD in some files.

      My question is for the development team.. exist soon some patch for this nightmare? As the other images seems the correct way to download localy into a file the EPG and then the plugin use this file to show all the data.


      Ahhh and when the user try to update the EPG from the menu' of Newnigma2 the channel used for SKY IT was "Primafila1" and not the correct one "Marco Polo"?! This channel was used by the most of the other plugins... this the problem why the EPG don't was updated?!

      Thanks in advance

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von pegaso09 ()

    • RE: EPG and Newnigma2 - BIG Trouble

      Ciao Pegaso,
      I also tryed to get information on this site on how to get ITA EPG working on this really fantastic image but got no help.
      Anyway, I was able to get it running using a plugin form another website. If you PM me, I'll give you all needed info to get the ITA epg working with NewNigma2 on DM800.

      DM7020SI - DM600PVF - DM800HDPVR
    • RE: EPG and Newnigma2 - BIG Trouble

      Original von digitalidea
      Anyway, I was able to get it running using a plugin form another website. If you PM me, I'll give you all needed info to get the ITA epg working with NewNigma2 on DM800.

      So, if you were able to get help in another forum/website, why don't you share it here with the other user? Feel free to post your gathered information, together with any needed plugins here, so the next user who runs into the same issue as you did, will find help here. ;)
      The reason for not helping you with your problem here, is imho that nobody other here knew the solution. *g*

      cheers mate
      "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)
    • I've got the same problem, if i switch to the "preview" channel, my epg gets filled. is there an option in the lamedb, which identifies the epg channel?

      my example:

      a channel called epg:

      the "real" epg channel:

      any ideas? could it the the 141 option?