More Intuitive Use of Function Buttons

    • More Intuitive Use of Function Buttons

      This suggestion concerns the four function buttons (INFO, MENU, AUDIO, PVR) and OK.
      Currently they are implemented in slightly different ways; this suggestion aims to make them all behave in a similar way and so make the interface therefore more intuitive to use.

      The suggestion is described in the attached PDF document.
      • Newnigma2.pdf

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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von ALEXKOMAT ()

    • DMM is the manufacturer and developer of Dreamboxes :) Dream-Multmedia-TV

      However: Your document doesn't describe the default behaviour of keys in enigma2 nor Newnigma2. The OK button should show the infobar ("Channel Info strip") and the Info button should show the program info on the first press. For both a second press will close the screen again.
      I can confirm the behaviour of the Audio key :)

      I don't know which settings or plugins you are using to get this behaviour, but you should ask the particular developers.
    • The remote is not a touchpad or a mouse. Using 2x press for closing will be also annoying because enigma2 has possibility to react on long press and 2x within timeout different to a pure Single press. People tend to press a button again if there is no or slow response and this should then not revert previous action as this will then increase frustration with the GUI.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von Lost in Space ()

    • I am aware that the remote is not a touchpad and that a double press is not appropriate.
      I believe you misunderstood my description. Here it is as clear as I can possibly make it:

      One press opens a function, the next press removes it.
      This is the case with the OK button and the MENU buttons as shown below.

      Press OK and the channel selection window is presented
      Press OK again and the channel selection windows is removed.

      Press MENU and the menu is displayed
      Press MENU again and the menu is removed.

      My suggestion extends this established behaviour to the other function buttons INFO, AUDIO, and PVR.

      Please let me know if this clears up any misunderstanding.

    • Thank you dhwz.
      I have now submitted this suggestion to Dream-Multmedia.
      If the moderators of this forum think this thould be removed then please do so.
      Otherwise I would be interested in the communities' responces to this small suggestion.
    • The software that enables the second press of the function button to provide the exit the function, would (of course) only be activated when the display of the list is complete.
      This would, I believe, handle your concern.
    • And if it gets stuck you locked the box. Sometimes an exit button simply makes sense....

      2x info and 2x pvr are already used by e2 so your request would drive lots of users crazy.
    • gutemine
      As I mentioned in my original post - this suggestion does not replace the EXIT button which remains (of course).

      Also, please note that I'm not suggesting 2x PVR or 2x INFO.
      I'm suggesting 1x to enter a given function, and 1x to exit it.

      This is the way it already works for OK and MENU.
      I just want it to work for all buttons to make the interface more intuitive to use.

      I hope this addresses your concerns.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von ALEXKOMAT ()

    • The Problem ist that this kind of enigma2 functionality was defined 12year ago - ist ist like suggesting at the time when Windows 7 was out for a couple of years to put the start button to the right bottom corner of the screen ... which is more Intiuitive for right handed people btw. ...

      You get the point that you are ... late ...
    • Currently, the button presses that I am suggesting are dead ends - they are inhibited (refused or ignored) by the present software.
      My suggestions don't replace, or affect any function that is already implemented; nor are experienced users affected by them.
      They are just are just a logical extention of what is already implemented for the OK and MENU buttons.

      Experienced users will continue to operate the interface as before.
      However, making an interface more intuitive to use for new users, like myself, is a worthy marketing objective.
      That my suggestions come "late" is not a reason not to implement them.
      Being "late" is an argument that, I am sure you would agree, could be used to hinder any sort of change.

      If you have any other reason why the idea is not feasible I would be interested to hear it.
      I really mean that...

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von ALEXKOMAT ()

    • Pressing the PVR key in the video list is no dead end ;) It opens a new menu where you can select a new path to show (bookmarks window)
      And here Info does close the EPG window again. Only the Audio key might be an option to be changed to your wished behaviour.

      As I said before: It seems that you're not talking about the default behaviour of the NN2 image. Are you using any settings or plugins regarding the keymap? And I think you're not using the "Expert" mode (can be activated in settings -> customization), which enables the bookmarks function.
    • m0rphU

      I am using the standard image - nothing extra, nothing taken away.
      You are of course right that pressing the PVR a seond time is not a dead end.

      I did actually mention this in the original document that I attach again for your information.

      After PVR has presented the screen for choosing a path, if you press PVR again, that is the dead end that could be used to close the PVR function. At present the third PVR press is ignored, so the suggested PVR sequence is:

      Pressing the PVR button, the PVR window is displayed (already implemented)
      Pressing the PVR button again, the Location Selection is displayed (already implemented)
      Pressing the PVR button again, the Location Selection is removed. (not implemented)

      This similarly applies to the INFO button which, as you know, is also a two-step display, and the suggested sequence is:

      Pressing the INFO button, the Infobar is displayed (already implemented)
      Pressing the INFO button again, the Program Info window is displayed (already implemented)
      Pressing the INFO button again, The Program Info window is removed. (not implemented)

      Currently, the third press of the INFO button re-displays the Infobar. I am suggesting that, to be consistent, the third press of INFO should exit the INFO function as described above, and this behaviour would be consistent throughout the interface.

      To put it in a nutshell:
      Pressing any of the function keys will enter the function.
      Pressing the function key again will go to the next step
      If the step you are in is the last (or only) step, the function will end.

      Or, to put it even simpler:
      Pressing any function key (INFO, MENU, AUDIO, PVR) or OK the appropriate number of times, you will exit the function that was initiated by that key.

      I hope this answers your concern.
      • Newnigma2.pdf

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      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von ALEXKOMAT ()