Blue front panel LED blinking in standby? (fake recording)

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    • Blue front panel LED blinking in standby? (fake recording)


      For a while the DM800HD SE V1 that I also own, has started this strange behavior. When the dreambox is in sleep mode (standby), the LED on the panel starts blinking as it was to record something, and when I bring the box back to active mode, it won't stop, as if it was recording something, but actually there is no record or timed record at all. It does not allow to change channel from the channel list either, showing all other channels being not available as during a record, but also the channel the dreambox was last time one, is not showing any picture either. The only solution is to restart enigma or full restart. Any idea what is the issue?


      PS: current software is 4.0.12 but I also tried to update it further with online updater, same results...
    • it looks like that someone is streaming the tv to an other device, when your
      dreambox is in the standby mode.

      do you use any other device smartphone/tablet to stream from your dreambox?
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • Hello Fred!

      That worked now. How do I know where it streamed? Telnet and FTP are on non default password, can I set it somehow on WebIf too?
      What is also strange is that port 8001 is not forwarded.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Joey () aus folgendem Grund: Doppelposting zusammengefügt

    • try this to get the client IP - it should be the 2nd IP:port in the output line

      netstat -epn|grep :8001

      or a command like this to check an active streamproxy process and cliient IP
      if [ $(ps -A|grep -c streamproxy) -gt 0 ];then netstat -epn|grep :8001;else echo no streamproxy pid;fi

      to stop the stream(s)

      kill -9 $(pidof streamproxy)
      killall -9 streamproxy
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • Hi Fred!

      Thanks a lot! I modified the Webif WAN side port and also allowed only TCP/IP communication, hoping that streaming is UDP based. I don't see any blinking so far. Probably the pirate need to rescan the ports to enter my network again...Any possibilty to put a login/password on the Webif?

    • Welches Webinterface Passwort ?

      or set new password: passwd

      Menu Extensions Webinterface and enable authentication
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • better to forward an external dynamic port from port 49152 to 65535 to the HTTPS port 443 on your dreambox, e.g. port 64330 to 443 and generate a secure password, then delete the port forwarding to port 80 on your dreambox

      then modifiy the web Interface Settings

      Enable HTTP Access: yes
      HTTP Port: 80
      Enable HTTP Authentication: no

      Enable HTTPS Access: yes
      HTTS port: 443 (or one of the dynamic ports)
      Enable HTTPS Authentication: yes

      advantage: you can connect wihout password to the Web-Interface in your homenet using the HTTP protocol and HTTPS with password authentication from the WAN side by using an encrypted communication.

      You can also use VPN or a SSH Tunnel with local and remote port forwarding using putty.exe or ssh on a linux/unix based OS
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$
    • Hi Fred,

      I have checked on my other DM800HDse too and I see these lines which I can't identify:

      udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
      udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
      udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED

      I replaced with X the numbers of course. Is my situation bad? The 9333 port is not even opened on the router.