Display of all CAID of a channel

    • Display of all CAID of a channel


      I have the following question for which I don't have yet an answer:
      How is possible to display or to find out (script, or CLI command) all CAID used for a certain zapping channel? This is used for sure in skins (that coloured button for the ecoding used, that sometimes is uworking properly, sometimes, not)? It is a good thing to display or to know all CAID for all HD channels in order to build proper P lines for CCcam. Somebody knows how to find it out?

      Thank you in advance!
    • RE: Display of all CAID of a channel

      OK... I am not a specialist in Linux at all. Which is this command to start enigma in debug, and it is possible to save this log on USB stick for example? I tried to google after it, but no results so far... I think it is an init n command...
    • RE: Display of all CAID of a channel

      Thank you.
      BTW, meantime with the help of a nice peer of mine I discover also how to use dvbsnoop in order to get the caid's for a channel.

      dvbsnoop -n 1 -nph 1

      But this will not show the provid. This info I think it is taken from ecm.info...
      Well I will give a try. I hope this will bring all provid that can open that caid...