USB stick

    • Hi.

      First of all I hope English is ok here?
      Now to the problem. I try to install Flashexpander because the message "your flash is very full". But even if I install this I only have option to install ?( ?( it on sata(HDD). I have that message "your flash is very full" anyway.
      I try to change path to usb stick , systemtools/configurationsavior/save/select your own files/place to save /restore.
      If i choose and type "yes" on the right side and type "yes" nothing happend.

      So how can I use usb stick as a option blue/flashexpander/ok/Flashexpander is not installed, create?Press ok/then just one option come up-ATA HDD-partition 1(ext3)? Not usb stick?

      I just want that message "yor flash is very full" to dissapeare.
      I would also like to have some picons on my usb stick

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