cccaminfo ARM dm900

    • there is no cccam for dm900
      so why do you need cccaminfo ?
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


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    • thanx for answer but dont need cccam for dm900 the cccaminfo what usefull to see full ecm info when channel open with oscam
      server name
      i use oscam since long time but iused cccaminfo to to see ecminfo its full table info thats it
      if there is something to add in oscam conf to watch full ecm i will appreciate a lot the help

      thanx in advance
    • dadjadja schrieb:

      thanx for answer but dont need cccam for dm900 the cccaminfo what usefull to see full ecm info when channel open with oscam
      server name
      i use oscam since long time but iused cccaminfo to to see ecminfo its full table info thats it
      if there is something to add in oscam conf to watch full ecm i will appreciate a lot the help

      thanx in advance
      Depending on what skin you use, you can see all the information that you mentioned already in the infobar, e.g. with MetrixStyle Skin this works flawlessly. Don't know if that is enough information for you, but it would be a start ;)
    • the problem ist that at home ecm info is not making any real sense, and if you share your cards outside your home this board simply doesn't support this approach.

      Inf you are insisting that the oscam web interface is not sufficient searhc for the oscam statups plugin I think there is a *.deb available.

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