DM7080 Channel List Problem After Update

    • DM7080 Channel List Problem After Update

      Hi there. I've been using my Dreambox 7080 for 1.5 years. But I have this problem with my channel list. So when I'm using OE 2.0 I can see all the channels from my own channel list. In the OE 2.5 version it was ok until November 7th. With the update which came on November 7th I have problems with my channel list. A big percentage of my channels are invisible with a grey color on the channel list. Is there any fix for this problem. Thanks.
    • re-configure the tuner
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


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      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • I do not think it is a channel call or a LAMEDB error.
      the same channel list is running before updating the software.
      but it causes problems with the channel list after updating the software.
      After the enigma update, it started to make mistakes.
      My personal opinion is related to the software.
    • Hello to everyone,
      I shared a problem that I experienced on my device.
      Effective names of the DreamBox device have tried to help me.
      thank you all.
      these friends usually focus on channel listing.
      I revised the whole channel list until yesterday morning.
      I deleted the old one and rescanned it.
      but the result is the same ..
      Could there be another solution?