Online Daily updates

    • Online Daily updates

      Wish to know.....If I miss updating the Online paketmanager daily updates for say 1 week or 2 weeks....then when I do update
      does my Box update for that particular day only or all those updates which I missed.
    • Yes and no. For example, when you do an update after two weeks, you always get the newest packages. You won't miss any updates from before. On the other hand the feed here is built every day and you will get also update of packages where actually nothing has been changed at all, only maybe the package name or date. The advantage of Newnima2 is that you get the newest and latest as soon as possible, but not really tested. This can break your system sometimes. On the other hand images like Merlin for example are testing before releasing updates, but they are updating only rarely, so it can take weeks or even months until you get new features or changes. Hope this helps to understand how the updates are working here at Newnigma2.