Channel List Editor

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    • Channel List Editor

      I need to find a program to edit my channel lists.
      I tried DreamBoxEdit 3.0 but for some reason it does not edit the main Services list.

      I uploaded my personal list. Reloaded > Rebooted. But is still displays the original list...

      Are there any better programs or methods to edit the channel list?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Werner ()

    • Ok thanks, that one works great.

      I have one last question: Why does a channel name revert to original in some cases?
      For example: I changed "NED1" to "Nederland 1". I send it to my dreambox and everything works ok.

      But after some channel changing the name was reverted back to "NED1". How come?

      (I changed the names in both the main channel list and the Userlist/Bouquet)

      After some thinking it might have something to do with the online EPG... Any way to disable the name changing? (Without disabling EPG)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Werner ()

    • doubleklick at your service and protect it from renaming by SDT ('untouched...')

      that should help

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von arianebox ()