crash(unstable feed in flash) on Blue->NN2 Service->Manage additional Software

    • crash(unstable feed in flash) on Blue->NN2 Service->Manage additional Software

      under /media/hdd/ havent any fresh enigma2_crash file

      this problem cmame some week or two ago
      but doesnt come when used skin "" instead "dreamTV-HD" and "Kerni-HD1"

      picons arent in use
      dm7080sstt; 2x dm8000sstt; dm7020s <- Diseq1x4 <- 3x Diseq1x10 <-
      1.8m 36E;28E;23E;19E;16E;13E;7E
      1.6m 42E;36E
      1.0m 10/9E;5E;1W;8W
      1.0m 15W;22W;30W
      1.1m 4/5W;12W;18W;24W
      1.1m 53E;60E
      1.0m 75E
      TVs: Philips 46pfl9707s; Philips 42pfl9703h
    • Hi MartiniB,

      this is a already known issue atm in unstable feed and will be worked on. If you want to get it working, please manually install the new newngma2-HD skin or any SD skin and it will work again.

      "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)