C Band lnb Stargold sg-500k

    • C Band lnb Stargold sg-500k

      Hello there is any manual to set up a multipunto lnb C band i dont know how to configure the tuner to be able scan H/V.

      I would like to knows how set up on dreamboxes enigma2 the lnb stargold sg-500K. is a multipoint lnb with low and high 5150 mhz y 5750 mhz.
    • It shouldn´t be too diificult to setup your dreambox correctly.

      Menu -- Setup -- Services and Recordings -- Service Searching -- Tuner Configuration -- OK (after your sat-tuner is selected). In this menu is for the LNB-Type "Universal LNB" pre-selected. You can change this value to "C-Band" with pre-selected oscillator frequencies or you can change to "user defined" to be able to edit your own oscillator frequencies. The voltage mode should be "Polarization" what means different voltages on the coaxial cable will switch between the oscillators in your LNB.
      After you did the tuner configuration correctly, you are able to scan. But be aware your satellite is really using H/V instead L/R circulated polarisation.